Tuesday 15 October 2013


Hello dear friends
I'm running late today...
after having computer issues yesterday.

You may remember I recently bought
a new laptop.

Yesterday, I wanted to print off some images
to make tags and cards
only to find my printer won't talk
to my computer - or the other way around!

I would have thought because they are both HP
products, they could have been a little nicer
to each other - but no.

Needless to say, much time was wasted...
for instance 
I should have been writing this post.

So today I'm joining 
Mary for Mosaic Monday
with my images of the white For-get-me-nots
that pop up in my garden each Spring.
They are in a bed which also contains six "Iceberg" roses.

I've just popped into the garden where it's windy & raining to take these photos
in case you weren't familiar with the Iceberg rose!

Thank you dear friends for reading my posts
and leaving your comments!

to my new followers - thank you for being here!

À bientôt 

take care of one another



  1. aaah I've never grown white forget me nots - have plenty of blue. They are beautiful! Do some have white centres or do they open up to yellow ones??
    Love Leanne

  2. As you might know from my recent posts (and more to come), it is fall here. There are a few straggler roses but not many. These are so beautiful and remind me that after winter, this!

  3. Your photos are a welcome change from all the autumn color in our world just now. Love the creamy whites and fresh greens. I'm glad it's spring somewhere in the world!

  4. Forget me nots are such a reminder of spring, lovely photos you took..

  5. Lovely mosaic, Shane. Your flowers are beautiful. Hope you are feeling more comfortable with your new technology now.

  6. Some of my forget me nots are a very pretty pink! I love Iceberg roses too.

  7. How gorgeous, white forget me nots. I didn't know they came in white, and only saw blue ones for the first time this year in Canada. I find them really appealing little flowers. Too bad it is much too hot for them here!

  8. Lovely images! Looks so fresh and green and spring like. It's hard to believe you are welcoming spring as we welcome fall! I hope your computer issues get solved. The simplest thing can end up eating up time. With my HP I hate how it runs the show--insists when the ink gets low (and I personally would stretch it on a bit) I can't print until I replace.. ETC. !!

  9. Such beautiful white flowers. I'm going to look for forget-me-nots for my garden. I have HP too, and anytime a pop-up tells me printer is offline or any other message, I just ignore it and it works. Sometimes, clicking on "home" makes it work, too. Thanks for a beautiful blog! Lynda

  10. What beautiful forget-me-nots, Shane. I've never seen white ones before. And I love your white roses, too. I think white flowers in a garden are so lovely. I read once that they have to have a stronger scent than brightly colored flowers so they can attract their share of bees. Here in New England the gardens are readying themselves for a long winter's sleep. Wishing you a wonderful spring!

  11. The white forget-me-nots are pretty, mine are all blue.
    Annoying when our computers and printers don't work efficiently, or at all!

  12. The forget-me-nots that we seem to have most of here are blue. I actually didn't know they came in white too. They're so dainty! So sorry about your computer woes...hopefully the two parts are playing nice now.

  13. ooo boo to computer issues...those are never fun!

    Forget-me-nots are such a gorgeous flower...
    I do not think I have ever seen white ones before...
    lovely photos Shane showing their delicate 'features' even the wispy 'hairs' ♥


  14. I do love your white forget me nots, white being my favourite colour. Iceberg has always been one of my faves as well. So old worldy isn't it.It's so windy down here in the Waikato as well and keep looking out of the window at our new roses and hope they will be alright. I have an Azalea bush in prolific flower at the moment, it's white too and looks great. Gosh computers can be a pain can't they at times. Shirley

  15. Your white flowers are beautiful!

  16. Hello Shane ... I am not a computer whizz but I think you have to do something to your new computer to "configure" it to your printer. We had the same problem last year.
    The white mosaics florals are just beautiful. Your iceberg is out early it seems ... we are getting the most wild weather here this week, its really bashing the garden around. x0x

  17. I had some forget-me-knots pop up in the lawn last spring so relocated them to the garden be. Your photos of them are very pretty.



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