Wednesday 23 May 2012

A heart full of kindness....

J'aime le coeur!!

Today I received a surprise gift
from my gifted friend Yvonne
in the Netherlands,
please visit her lovely blog
where you can see the
beautiful handwork she creates.

I LOVE all the details of this
french heart -
the pretty floral background fabric
embellished with beautiful lace
and beading, and french words
Je t'aime

a sweet vintage button
reminiscent of Marie Antoinette

some pretty blush pink fabric roses

and soft satin ribbon
with mother-of-pearl buttons

and finished with my initials
embroidered on the reverse!

Also in the parcel was a
fragrant lavender sachet -
only Yvonne can embroider
roses like this!

My beautiful heart
now makes up a pretty
just inside our front door.
has commented on what
a beautiful work of ART
I've been given.....

THANK YOU so much
dear Yvonne for making me
such an exquisite gift - I'm
"over the moon"
YOU are one of Blogging's
real treasures!

to my newest followers:
Leslie of Trouver le soleil,
Jillayne of A Fine Seam,
Julie of The Cloth Shed and
Gusos of Gusos Santos.
Do pop into their blogs
and say 'hello'!

I hope you have all entered
Closes on Sunday 27th.

Thank you my dear friends for visiting
and especially those of you
who leave me a comment - love you!!
Be kind to one another
Yvonne's beautiful gift card
in my parcel
Merci mon amie x

Sunday 13 May 2012


Bonne fête des Mères
to my wonderful blogging friends
here and across the world!!

I've had a brilliant idea....

Would you like to join me for lunch today in
(a virtual lunch you understand)

I've booked our table - the one on the left, at
Le Café du Commerce
51 rue de Commerce
75015 Paris

Oh what a lovely idea..... if only .....
we can dream and let our imaginations
run wild
it is Mother's Day after all!!

Our family had a wonderful Sunday lunch here
two years ago, the last time we were all in Paris together.
The food was superb and the service excellent!

However, Café du Commerce
was more than the food -
it's an experience!
It was built in the 1920's era and has
retained the decor and them of the era.
I imagine some who considered
themselves part of the cafe society
back then, may have even graced it's doors!!

The Sunday we had lunch here, there was a big
family group on the top floor
celebrating a Christening with great
joie de vivre!!

This bistro was a favourite of
my daughter and her husband when
they lived in this quarter -
15th arrondissement.

Dreams are free....yes?

Meantime I'm giving each of you
a virtual bunch of these exquisite peonies
and wishing you all
Bonne fête!!!

Please don't forget to visit the two
Vicki's on my side bar.
They are both having wonderful

Vicki Archer has the beautiful blog
and wrote an inspirational book of the same name.


dear friends

for visiting and expecially

those of you who come by often

and leave me lovely warm comments,

make it all worthwhile!!
Be kind to one another
hugs and love
Shane xox

Made with love for
my darling granddaughter
for her Christening in June 2012.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Inspiration Campagne Style....

Hello dear friends and welcome!
I know you are all enjoying the joys of Spring and the start
of Summer in other parts of the world - lucky YOU!

Here in New Zealand,
 down under in the topsy turvy
Southern Hemisphere of the world,
it's Autumn, one of my favourite seasons!

Last weekend we experienced the
SUPER MOON over our skies!
Sadly this photo doesn't do justice to this
wonderful phenomena, as the moon was
bigger, clearer and brighter than I've ever seen.
It looked like a HUGE GOLD BALL in the sky...
sooooo MAGICAL and I for one could
have watched it all evening
gazing and dreaming!

When I look up at the moon I imagine my
family in France doing the same!
We both see the SAME MOON -
it's just the stars that are different!
It's comforting for me!

..............OOOPS I seem to have been side-tracked
not unusual for a dreamer like me!!
My daughter sometimes sends me a french
magazine - and usually it's an interiors one
like this Campagne.

I fell in love with the AMAZING stone house featured
in this issue - not HARD to do as you can see!
My decor style of choice is Nordic French
however I'm probably even more eclectic than that.

The kitchen is lovely, but I'm quite practical
when it comes to kitchens, I like to have a
casual table and chairs for family meals!

Benches and bar stools don't do it for me.

(image from here)
THIS is PERFECT just what I LOVE.
Are you a bar stool at the bench
kinda girl or
table and chairs girl like me?

The living room is beautiful...
it has key french elements combined with
the charm of english country too.
I've always been fond of mixing florals
and checks - makes for homely comfort.
...and I'm totally in LOVE with

I'm still beavering away with my sewing
and embroidery bits - I can almost see light
at the end of the TUNNEL - thank goodness!
I should be able to show you the fruits
of my labours very soon!

click on Vicky's name to take you to her

Thank you my dear friends
for visiting and expecially
those of you who come by often
and leave me lovely warm comments,
make blogging worthwhile for me!!
Be kind to one another
hugs and love
Shane xox

Made with love for Jessie oxo

Wednesday 2 May 2012


I'm on the countdown now as there
are only four weeks left to complete
 all my bits and bobs that I'm
taking with me to France.....

The pressure is well and truly on,
hence I haven't posted for a while
because I really needed some
"me time" to get things done
you know what it's like!

I'm doing the finishing on two Christmas
stockings for the older girls - Jessie's can
wait until after I come home!

No2 granddaughter has her birthday while
I'm there so I'm making her a wall hanging
of Miss Maude - different to this one
I made for her older sister a year
or so ago.
(sorry for the picture quality)

If you would like to embroider a
Miss Maude contact Carole
at Madness & Mess to purchase
 the pattern!

We've also had several trips up to
the Bay of Islands in the last 3 weeks.

Life has been very busy
as it is at times for all of us!
Why is it that everything
happens all at once?
However, in no time I'll be sitting on
the aeroplane winging my way
to my favourite city in the
whole world - Paris!
I've really got nothing
to complain about!!

to my newest follower
please pop in to her blog and say hello!

Just a wee reminder about Vicki's
amazing Spring Giveaway.
If you aren't already familiar with
the exquisite nests that Vicki creates
you must visit her blog.
You are in for such a treat,
she is an inveterate
traveller too and takes
the most amazing photos!

Thank you dear friends
for visiting and expecially
those of you who come by often
and leave me lovely warm comments,
YOU make it all worthwhile!!

Be kind to one another
hugs and love
Shane xox

Jessie's first slippers
made with love.


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