Thursday 25 August 2011

Cadeau d'anniversaire!!

I made this little
fabric covered notebook

for my friend's birthday.

I always appreciate
a hand made gift

I was very excited to find
 the pretty Toile fabric
at our Spotlight store!

I like to imagine this is
a picture of
Marie Antoinette
and her friends
in the royal bateau!!

I slipped the notebook
into a little bag
I made from old
dressmaking pattern

Thank you my dear friends for visiting my blog.
I appreciate all your comments and
I really enjoy visiting your blogs too.
Be kind to one another
Shane xox

Thursday 18 August 2011


Just as we are heading
into Spring in the
southern hemisphere,
we've been visited
by a cold blast
from the south pole!! 

This little blackbird
probably hasn't experienced winter before

a very cool cat!
a snowcat maybe!!!

Thank goodness for sturdy
winter flowering shrubs like

I'm thinking this image
could make a great
Christmas card

A photo of dinghies
in the so called
Winterless North!!!

I photographed this
beautiful camellia
on one of my daily
walks in the park.
it wasn't named.

Lastly, what could be
more beautiful than the
delicate Hellebore
(winter rose).

For my friends in warmer places just now
(especially you Tammy)
I hope these snow photos have
had a cooling effect on you!!!

Please check out two
wonderful Giveaways -
the buttons are on my side bar
or you can link from here.


Thank you Mo and Amy!

I've got my fingers and toes
crossed that either
you or I
will win!!!!!

Thank you my dear friends for visiting my blog.
I appreciate all your comments and
I really enjoy visiting your blogs too.
Be kind to one another
Shane xox

Wednesday 17 August 2011


I recently joined a swap with Elizabeth of
the theme was "Buttons and Bows"
which really appealed to me!

Imagine my excitement
when her parcel arrived!

I think Elizabeth must have
guessed one of my passions is lace!

(apologies for the poor quality of this photo)

I think this piece of lace
is traditional Bretagne
(I'm hoping Elizabeth
can confirm this).

For me to have a piece of
"hand made French lace"
is my idea of 'heaven'!!!

I'm saving it for a
very special project.

Don't you just love
this sweet little Peter Pan collar.

One of my other favourite things
is baby clothes.
I'm saving this for another
'very special project'
that's already forming
in my head!!

All these amazing goodies
I'm "over the moon"
but wait there's more!

a great selection of buttons
to use in the cards, books
and bags I make!

Also these colourful ribbons and...

a needlekeep.
Elizabeth, how did you know
I needed one of these!!
Maybe you read my
recent embroidery post!!!!

More embroidery goodies!!
A little Gutermann set
to take when I'm travelling!!

Thank you so much
it was such an exciting parcel
for me to open!!
I loved  being part of your
swap - thank you!

A sneak preview
of part of my swap goodies
winging their way to

Thank you my dear friends for visiting my blog
I appreciate all your comments and
I really enjoy visiting your blogs too.

Be kind to one another
Shane xox

Thursday 11 August 2011

WOO-HOO!! Karla's Tag Book arrives....

I was so excited the day
I found this exciting parcel
in our letter box!

I couldn't show you the envelope
it arrived in -
I tore it to shreds
trying to get inside as
quickly as I could!!

The tags were thoughtfully wrapped
in a book page from
a 1907 publication titled

"What I have done with Birds"

Gene Stratton-Porter

how clever is that!!

Karla's tag just
took my breath away
(and she made 150 of these tags)

just look at this detail
a sweet little bluebird
singing in her cage

Suzanne's tag is exquisite
I love "pretty" so I'm a
huge fan of hers.

    Hope's tag

and the reverse side is
just as pretty

Lilla's adorable tag.
I was so happy when I
found Lilla's tag
in the bunch!
Most of you probably know
I'm a huge fan of hers
(and we're friends too -
she's a fellow Kiwi after all)!

Lilla creates magic in her studio - 
"the sweetest French-styled art".
She also sells on Etsy

Donna's pretty tag

I wish I knew who made this sweet tag.
Sadly, I can't read the name

This is the reverse side.

In the top left corner
there is a signature.
Please click on this image
to get a better view as
I'm hoping someone
may recognise the signature.

I would love to know who made it!

This pretty yellow chested birdie
is from Kat.
You can see more of her work here:

Flickr: KatInCali
Pinterest: Kat Lives

Erica's tag has amazing detail.
The lily in the top left corner
is made of clay,
it is sitting on a piece of old lace.

There is sewing,
more lace and
folded paper -
please do click on the image to
appreciate the finer detail.

A very special
"Thank You"
to all the ladies
who made the beautiful tags
in my book.
It is sitting on my coffee table
everyone ooohs and aaahs over it!


This was my first swap
and I loved it!!
I'm trying to visit
all the people whose tags
were included in my book.

Thank you sweet Karla
for all the effort you put into this.

150 swappers - phew!!
That means you handled
over 1000 tags,
plus made 150 tags
(one for each book).
The logistics are mind-numbing!
Merci mon amie!

Thank you everyone for visiting
my blog
and leaving your lovely comments.
Take care
please be kind to one another!
Shane x

Sunday 7 August 2011

"ALOUETTE, je te plumerai.......

This is the tag I made for
"Birdsong Tag Swap".

Those of you who know me
won't be surprised that
I chose a French theme!!

Karla is an expert at running
tag swaps
and I responded when she
put out the call.
I was quite excited as this
was my first swap.....

The details and rules for the swap
can be found on Karla's blog  here

Please do visit Karla
and if you think you might
like to be part of a swap
in the future
then become a follower
so you don't miss out!!

The reverse side of my tags
had a group of
chirpy little tweeters
I called
"the dawn chorus".

We made 7 tags
which could be all the same
or different.

Being my first swap
I made them all the same!!

Karla made little books
of 7 cards for
each participant.

The combo above included
my tag,
it's in the middle
of the bottom row!

This is Karla's beautiful
tag on the front
of each of our books.

Tomorrow I'll post
the photos of the
gorgeous little
"Bird Song Tag Book"
I received in the post
on Saturday.

Thank you for visiting
my blog
and leaving your lovely comments.

Take care
please be kind to one another!
Shane x


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