Wednesday 9 March 2016

Blue Monday - A Tribute to Smiling Sally

There is sad news in blog land today.
I had written a post for
Blue Monday
and went over to get the link for my post
only to find a message from Sally
written before she died recently.

This is what she wrote.

"If you're reading this, I've gone to Heaven. 
I've been under Hospice care since May, but I 
didn't want to mention it."

Sally was a woman of strong faith and you can read her post


Rest in Peace


I've only been participating in Blue Monday
for five short weeks.
However, Smiling Sally started her link party
in 2008 and from the messages on her blog
many bloggers have been there since day one.

Without meeting Sally
I know she was a gracious lady
and the many tributes I've read tonight confirm this.

Thank you for visiting

Take care and
be kind to one another.

à bientôt



  1. What a touching post, sweetest friend of mine, I'm so sorry for your loss and I embrace you with all my love in the hope to gift you a little of the support you need ... thinking of you

  2. Dear Shane. I did not know Sally, but it sounds as if she was a person who touched many souls. I send my condolences. Mimi xxx

  3. I got to hear of Sally from other's posts of her passing - she was definitely loved by so many.
    It's very sad when dear people go before their time, and doubly so when they have carried the huge burden of a lingering illness. I recently loss a friend to pancreatic cancer - she fought so hard and was so brave despite knowing she would not beat it. I know these ladies are in a good place now and free of their pain.

    Take are dear Shane -
    Hugs, Mary

  4. I've noticed in recent months just how important my circle of friends in the blogosphere have become to me; many I'll likely never meet face-to-face in this lifetime, but who may just well know me better than long-time face-to-face friends who don't choose to read my blog posts. It is a special world this blogosphere and I am so sorry to learn we've lost one of our own.

  5. Dear Shane:
    I did not know Sally but had seen comments about her and this is a lovely tribute! I am so sorry for this loss of a special person.

  6. Dear Shane, my friend,
    what a sad day ... I did not know this Lady, but she must have been a wonderful woman ... I have been there to leave my condolences....
    Big hugs to you, Claudia xo

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friend, Shane. These sky pictures are beautiful and a wonderful way to show how much you cared for her. Thank you for the gentle reminder to be kind to one another. This is such a special post.


  8. Dear Shane, I`m so sorry for you, and every other this woman, touched with her being and her bravery. I hope she rest in piece, behind your so beautiful sky.
    Sending you hugs, dear friend.

  9. This was nice Shane, I didn't participate often once I had my own Monday meme. Sally came across as a cheery person and it is indeed sad to lose another blogging sister.

  10. I didn't know Sally or her blog, which I am sad about, but I have seen several people writing about her all that has been written has been so loving, she must have been a wonderful person. So very sad that she is no longer with us. xx

  11. What a lovey way to remember Sally. She would love it!

  12. Your tribute to Sally is very heartwarming. I know she will be missed by all that followed her. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  13. Sally's blog is not one I have read, but it is always sad when we lose a blogging friend. I am glad she made a post to let people know.

  14. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment!! Also I thank you for letting me know that you did a tribute post too. I have added a link to your post on my post!!

    Sally will truly be missed!!


  15. I just read her post and all the comments and, of course, am now crying. What a loss. I never joined in on Blue Monday but have known about it and her blog for years. I can't believe she was able to leave a final post. She truly must have been an amazing woman. Blessings, Tammy



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