Friday 25 April 2014


Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
Anzac Day - 25 April
is a national day of remembrance
when we commemorate all
New Zealanders and Australians
"who served and died in all wars, 
conflicts, and peacekeeping operations."

It is a national holiday in both our countries.
Our soldiers have fought alongside
and supported each other in all
the wars we have taken part in.
This has created a strong bond between
our two countries.

There are rememberance services held in
every city and small town throughout
New Zealand
starting with the first service at dawn
and another at 11am in the main centres.

It is a tradition in most families
to make Anzac biscuits on this day.
Originally these rolled oats biscuits were
made and sold at fetes and galas
to raise funds for the war effort.

I made a batch of these biscuits today
as I do every Anzac Day and here is the recipe!
Please excuse the tatty page - it is from my
well used and much loved copy of the Edmonds Cook Book
a staple cooking bible found in every Kiwi home!

I hope you are able to buy Golden Syrup.
There is an english one called Lyall's Golden Syrup.
My daughter can buy this at her
Carrefour supermarket in France.

I would love to hear from you if you make these biscuits.
They are a favorite in our family
and with my French granddaughters too!

Thank you for visiting my blog
and leaving me such lovely comments
on my last post!
Take care and be kind to each other

  Merci à bientôt


Shane x


  1. Good day Shane. I always wondered what those letters stood for when on the calendar. :) We used to get Lyall's Golden Syrup when I was growing up. It was a favourite on toast or blanc mange. I can still see the green and gold tin that it came in. :) Have a lovely weekend! Pamela

  2. Thinking of all the brave men and women who have served and tried to keep our countries safe. This is a wonderful way to honor them....I also wanted to say how much I loved your photos of France, lovely lovely memories and I am sure more will be made.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. It is good to remember the sacrifice of those who have served for us. Our national day of remembrance is November 11.
    The cookies sound good and easy. We can get Roger's Golden Syrup here.

  4. Happy Anzac day! The biscuits look delicious! I don't know that I've ever seen golden syrup over here. Is it like maple syrup? What gives it its flavor? Or more like karo corn syrup, if you have that? Interesting -- if I can find the right things, I might try.

  5. I need to look for golden syrup. Not sure it is in my markets. I have heard it is quite delicious. Hope your special day is extra special.

  6. They look good. It's so enriching to read from bloggers in other parts of the world. I hope you're enjoying the weekend.

  7. This was a very nice post. I learned something new from it. Great pictures. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  8. I won't be making ANZAC biscuits until Sunday. You can get Lyall's Golden Syrup in the U.S. -- I've found it in Asian markets, Fresh n Easy, and often were you can eat High Tea.

    ANZAC is a special day for me because of its importance to my grandfather, now deceased.

  9. Thank you for this recipe, Shane! They sound delicious. (And we CAN get Lyles Golden Syrup here.) Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

  10. We had a wonderful Anzac day here. Sang at the Dawn Service. Then there was a special church service. Then the longest military Anzac Day parade in the country. That was totally awesome!!! Two military bands, and the Navy drum corps set up at the corner and played the entire time. Massive tanks. Helicopters flying over every few minutes. Hornets flying over. Howitzers lining the route. Thousands of Defence Force and veterans marched. Over a thousand visiting troops too. Big crowd.

  11. Sounds like your Anzac day is very similar to what we do for Remembrance Day (Nov. 11th). Your cookies look very enticing and might have to hunt around to see if Lyall's Golden Syrup is available here anywhere. I suspect our 'corn syrup' would be a good substitute.

  12. Your Anzac biccies look delicious.

  13. Your Anzac biccies look delicious.

  14. Lovely post, Shane. I didn't make Anzac biscuits 'on the day' this year, hope to sometime this week!

  15. It is always good to remember and honor those who have served. I have never seen such a product as your golden syrup. Wonder what sort of substitution I might make... I'll Google.

  16. Yes, I make Anzac biscuits quite often, Shane, but this year we were going to a birthday lunch, so I made a baked cheesecake with an Anzac pie-case. Worked a treat, and was very popular! Great post, beautifully expressed about the ties which bind our two countries. xxx

  17. A proud day of remembrance for both countries and a lovely biscuit to commemorate the day. I might try it with pure maple syrup that we have here. Thank you for sharing. xo Karen

  18. Dearest Shane,
    May Anzac Day be kept alive through generations to come. The price so many paid for Freedom was so high.

  19. Dearest Shane;
    It is very important to remember these brave men. My father who past away last year fought in the world warⅡ.
    I'd like to try your delicious looking Anzac biscuits♡♡♡

    ps>Thank you so much for your sweet comment.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  20. Dear Shane,

    Beautiful post you have shared for Anzac day and yes, we do remember them and lest we forget.
    I normally bake Anzac biscuits but did not make a batch this year.
    Isn't the old Edmonds Cook book great - some of my pages look like that too.
    Hope you are enjoying the beautiful day - one out of the box!

  21. This is wonderful. I have never had these biscuits or the syrup. Looks yummy. xxo



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