Friday 13 May 2016

Country in the City

Cornwall Park is an urban working farm
ever changing through the seasons.
For city dwellers
it takes many of us back to our country roots.

Also it's a wonderful "hands on" learning and teaching tool
for both school children and teachers.

Sadly today, many children think milk comes from the
supermarket or dairy.

I'm joining Tex for Good Fences and
Eileen for Saturday Critters
Thank you both for hosting

and thank you dear friends for reading my posts and
leaving your comments so I know you've visited!

Take care and
be kind to one another

à bientôt



  1. Hello Shane! What a glorious hands on place! I love that it is for everyone to experience a little of the rural idyll!
    Your photo of the stonewall is beautiful! I would love to be there!
    Have a fun weekend

  2. Love these scenes and fences. That's nice that they offer hands on learning.

  3. By looking at the scenery, We can't tell this farm is actually in the city:)

  4. What a beautiful farm in the city. Your photo's are wonderful and I love the fence.

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Splendid fences. I can't resist a stone wall!

  6. It is wonderful to live in the city; it is wonderful to live in the country, and it is outstanding when they come together.

  7. Beautiful fences, Shane!

  8. Love those stone walls! We saw some when we visited Kentucky, but there aren't any out here in Oregon.

  9. Dear Shane,
    this is a really beautiful area! Thank you for sharing lovely pictures!
    HAve a great weekend,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    claudia xo

  10. It's all so green and lush. What a wonderful place for children to learn about the origin of milk.

  11. Hello Shane!:) What lovely green fields, I'm all for city dwellers experiencing county life first hand. Love that stone wall!

  12. A great learning facility and I've heard how children think everything comes from a grocery store with no concept of farms.

  13. Beautiful photos of the farm in the city and the stone fence. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  14. That's a beautiful farm with lots of lovely fences and lush greenery and of course cool animals. Loved your pretty photos of it.

  15. Dearest Shane,
    It is a parent's duty for raising their children in such a way that they DO understand how nature works and how we get our food!
    Lovely photos.
    Hugs and blessings,

  16. A wonderful place to wander on a nice day.I'm in my senior years now but remember Cornwall Park from when I was a younger child.Do hope they keep that green belt in the city in the future.Have a lovely week end Shane.

  17. The green is very pleasing to look at.
    Lovely snaps.
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  18. We don't see stone fences here very often. They are so beautiful. I'll never forget the lines of stone fences in the Peak District.

  19. An urban farm. I like that idea.

  20. Lvey peacful countryside and I lovee that dry stone wall. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  21. Hello Shane, it is a beautiful farm and learning facility. If I was a child I would love to learn to work with the dairy cows. Wonderful photos and post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  22. Lovely photos of 'country in the city' ~ beautiful place ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  23. Beautiful photos of a beautiful place!



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