Monday 30 May 2016

Autumn Blues in the Garden

For the last couple of weekends I've been busy
re-planting my garden pots with
winter flowering bulbs and annuals.

Grape Hyacinths are one of my favourite Spring bulbs.
I planted 20 bulbs around the rim
 of the large bulb planter,
with 10 scented Double Freesia bulbs in the centre.
I think they should make a good display come Spring.

It was cold and wet the day I planted them,
the weather changed a few days later
back to sunshine and warm temps...
next time I checked the Grape Hyacinths were up!
Perhaps I'll have to plant another lot
for a Spring display.
The weather has been totally out of whack this season!

I love spending time poking about at the garden centre
checking out the new plants on offer.
With our small townhouse garden I've learnt to
be selective and not to buy on impulse!
I've also learnt to put more time into
researching and planning my garden beds and pots
and keeping to a theme.

Then again.... I simply couldn't resist the little bird house
with the pretty blue roof!
And there were the gorgeous new
pink and blue gardening gloves
they were just waiting for me, I know it!

Are you a self controlled shopper like me?!

I'm joining Jeanne for Blue Monday
Judith for Mosaic Monday

Take care and
be kind to one another

à bientôt


Thank you for your visits!


  1. Hello Shane, I love your cute new birdhouse and the pretty flowers. Beautiful photos and mosaic! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. Cute garden gloves! And I would have impulsively grabbed that bird house with the pretty blue roof!

  3. Beautiful flowers! And I really love the bird house....Christine

  4. It's such a wonderful time of year and it is SO tempting when you go to the stores that have lots of pretty flowering plants. We've tried to research and make sure we are buying flowers that will do well in this heat and bright sunshine. But it's FUN! Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. Dear Shane,
    I love this Birdhouse, looks so cute :O)
    Happy gardening to you, isn't this time wonderful?
    Have a lovely week,
    Love and hugs aessings,
    Claudia xond bl

  6. You are making the birds happy with all these neat houses.

  7. I do like to stick to a plan when shopping for plants for the garden and containers. I go with my list in hand and try not to stray from it as it gets very expensive. I like your gardening gloves. They are a must for me and I found a brightly coloured pair this year that are padded for comfort. I wish you a lovely week ahead Shane.

  8. Lovely photos. Have a blessed day and a wonderful week. Madeline

  9. How pretty. I love the bird houses. I didn't realize there are a lot of fall bulbs. I'll check it out! I am following you now. I hope you'll come over and see my Blue Monday post and follow me. I've been posting about my balcony garden if you want to hang around and visit me awhile. Thanks for sharing. Have a good week.

  10. I like your nice bird house!

  11. Beautiful blooms...and poking about a garden center is a great past time!

    and LivingFromHappiness

  12. Sigh....even when I do not buy impulsive at the garden center I buy to much.
    Pretty birdhouse and oooh, I first thought autumn? but I forgot for a moment you live on the other end of the world, glad it's still spring here.

  13. Love your choice of spring flowers. I have three different types of muscari/grape hyacinth each one flowers at a different time. Have you painted your bird-box it looks so pretty.

  14. We should all be selective and plan our gardens Shane but it doesn't always happen that way! I noticed the cute bluebird birdhouse right away and I have more muscari on my list to plant in the fall. Someone shared on Facebook their emerging hosta garden full of the grape hyacinths and it was so pretty I told her I'd be copying the idea.

  15. Hope a pretty bird, preferably blue, comes along to your birdhouse in the spring and has a family in it.

  16. Love your birdhouse. I too would have trouble sticking to a shopping list when I see such lovely things as your new gardening gloves and bulbs. Yes the weather is sure out of wack. We have had quite "spring" like weather the last couple of days here in the Waikato.

  17. How lovely Shane. Hyacinths are such a rewarding bulb, aren't they? Mimi xxx

  18. It always catches me by surprise when I read about Autumn in your posts when it's late Spring/early Summer here:) I'm afraid I'm rather an impulse buyer when it comes to my garden - instead of buying a plant for a space I know I have I tend to buy several plants and then have to go round looking desperately for spaces to squeeze them in:)

  19. Good morning Shane. Hope you are well. It looks like you are all set for flowers and beauty for this Summer~

  20. Dear Shane,

    I love birdhouses even just for decoration.
    Visit my Blog and walk with me through the garden gate in May against the autumn blues.
    Hyacinths are the most lovely spring flowers to me with such an intensive fragrance.
    Have a lot of fun in your garden, hugs Barbara

  21. Wonderful post! Love that ceramic bird house.

  22. Dearest Shane,
    Always quite striking to look at opposite seasons but indeed you are going into winter slowly and preparing for the spring.
    We do have lovely blue birds as residence in our garden. Love their stunning colors and they are rather shy.
    Enjoy your gardening and happy June to you!

  23. My grape hyacinths come up in the fall, then the leaves sort of lay over on their sides for the winter, when spring comes they perk up and bloom. Maybe yours will do that too.

  24. Dear Shane,

    I love your beautiful birdhouse and your new gardening gloves.
    As for your grape hyacinth bulbs and the freesias, they will be so pretty when Spring comes around. These are both favourites of mine too.
    Yes, the weather has been a little changeable here and the first morning my jacket would have been good on my walk this morning. Great to see the sun shinning today.
    Have a great Thursday and wishing you a happy Queens birthday weekend ahead.

  25. The weather has been strange here too. Just over two weeks ago we had snow and now the last few days the temps have been in the high 20's celcius. There has been no rain to speak of, which isn't traditional for spring here. Normally we get quite a bit of rain. After a winter of little snow and now a spring of little rain, it's getting to be a concern for the farmers and those who depend on wells for their water. I love your grape hyacinths - those I can have in the house, but the big hyacinths are murder on allergies.

  26. Dear Shane:
    I loved your photos and how amazing that you are in Autumn and we are just beginning summer soon!

  27. Hello Shane,
    The blue-roofed birdhouse will add a touch of whimsy to your garden. The pot of grape hyacinths and freesias will be so pretty - a great combination. Sometimes, if we have a warm spell in the winter, the bulbs begin to sprout and poke out of the ground, but halt when it gets colder again. They don't seem to suffer too much. But it is early in your autumn/winter yet - maybe this will be an autumn flowering pot!

  28. Love, love the birdhouse. Beautiful flowers! Take care. Maria

  29. I go shopping with a list, but sometimes there's something that just calls your name! The grape hyacinths are very sweet. I love bluebirds, but have only seen them twice in my life. Hope you get to see many of them in your bluebird house.
    Happy June to you Shane!

  30. I love the bird house and the Hyacinths and your pretty garden, Shane. I wish we were heading towards autumn. It is unbelievably hot and dry around here and summer hasn't even officially started.

  31. Pretty mosaic! We have a ton of bird houses too :)
    Have a great week!
    Joy @ Books and Life



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