Friday 19 February 2016

Highlights of my Week

Flowers from my late summer garden
it has been a long dry, hot summer
with very little rain.
However three days ago the Heavens opened
I wanted to race outside and do a little dance!!!

This is Red beach on the
Whangaparoa Peninsula 
about an hour north of Auckland.
I took this photo on the edge of the cliff
where one of my friends has a beach house.

Summer means BBQ's
and one of the best things is Sweetcorn on the barbie!

My favourite summer tea is
Twinings New Zealand Earl Grey.
I drink my tea without milk or sugar
so I like it weak and this blend is perfect for me.

I've been wanting this dog for as long as I can remember
well not this particular one....
but a wire haired terrier.
I met him while I was walking through the park
however his mother had a tight hold on his lead
I'm sure I could have persuaded him to come home with me!
NO - honestly I'm not a dog snatcher!
but all the same I would loved to have picked him up and run home with him.
A piece of advice - lock up your dogs!!!

I'm joining Amy for Five on Friday
Congratulations Amy on "Fives" first birthday!
Eileen for Saturday's Critters

Thank you so much for your visits

Take care and
be kind to one another

à bientôt



  1. Great photo of the beach and sweet corn! You're so hot and we're so cold! :-)

  2. I can smell the sweetcorns and your barbecue... Fantastic pale shades of the bouquet... Enjoy your weekend Shane!

  3. I'm so pleased that you managed to cut a beautiful bouquet of flowers from your garden before your much needed rain battered them to the ground, those pinks are so pretty . What a gorgeous little dog, perhaps when you retire you be able to get one for yourself.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Such a lovely post, dear Shane, full of warm and happy summer moments. Your flowers look wonderful and I think I would like New Zealand Earl Grey too.
    The beach looks fabulous... :)
    Have a great weekend! xx

  5. Your flowers are lovely. The weather is warm some days here and cold the next, ready for the Spring flowers to start blooming.

  6. Lovely delicate shades in your bouquet. I'm smiling at your reaction to the rain, but know it must be needed. Have a good weekend Shane.

  7. So beautiful..thanks for a dose of summer!

  8. Dear Shane:
    He is a darling doggie! Lovely photos and glad it rained for you!

  9. The bouquet is so beautiful. There's something of an Old Masters painting about it.
    We are still long from barbecue season, but on sunny days we fire it up anyway. Soon our rains will stop and by August we will be gasping for that first cloudburst. For now, well, it's boots and hooded jackets on!

  10. Hello Shane, I loved your 5 this week. It sounds like you had a wonderful week. I do love that photo of the beach and the grilled corn. I can't wait for summer weather. It has been such a cold week here in the Northeastern part of the US. Take care and have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Julie xo

  11. Beautifyl highlights, the little dog is so sweet:)

  12. Hello, dear Shane,
    lovely pictures, thank you for those!
    I LOVE this kind of Dog, he is beautiful!
    I am waiting for a dog like this too, but, I stil have to wait a bit ....
    wishing you a lovely weekend, my desr friend!
    Love, hugs and blessings, Claudia xo

  13. Hello Shane!
    Oh, how lovely to see summer scenes when we are in the midst of Winter here. Of course winter in the Pacific Northwest is nothing like other parts of the country. That tea sounds like it would be one we would enjoy at this old house. I wanted to grab a corn cob off that barbie! That's funny about you being a dog snatcher!!

  14. Beautiful flowers delicious looking corn great photos. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  15. Dear Shane,
    Now behave ;-) lol, no dog stealing !!!
    It looks rather cute I will admit , I guess you will not have your own, because of you travelling a lot to see your family .
    Your bouquet of flowers are so beautiful, , I have to wait for such beauty in my garden ,as winter is still here.
    Also it is a most wonderful spot, where you visited a friend.
    I wish you a lovely weekend, my friend, and send you hugs !!

  16. Oh, your sweet corn on the cob looks so good! I haven't had any since -- since when? August? September? And it's one of my favorites. I can't really stop once I start! I think it comes from my grandparents' corn which, when it came in, made for the WHOLE of dinner! No veggies or meat that night -- just endless, fabulous, wonderful corn!

  17. Your flowers are stunning, truly beautiful....and so's that view!

  18. Beautiful photo's of the beach Shane and the late summer flowers from your garden.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Madelief x

  19. He is a very cute doggie! I can see why you like him so much! The corn looks delicious, it is perfect cooked on a BBQ in summer isn't it. I love that you went out and did a rain dance, I have done that in the past too! Thank you so much for joining in the anniversary of Five On Friday, I really do appreciate it so much! Have a good weekend! xx

  20. I'm glad you got some needed rain. A cute dog--I see why you were wishing you could bring him home. Hope you are having a good weekend.

  21. Dearest Shane, your flowers are glorious! I can hardly wait until our flowers start blooming though it will be another couple of months :)

    Have a joyous weekend, my friend. Love and hugs!

  22. Lovely summer photos, sigh. He is an adorable little guy, I can completely understand your desire to run off with him.

  23. Shane that terrier would have also tugged at my dog loving heart.

    I've never before heard of New Zealand Earl Grey tea, and thank you for the introduction. I do, of course, know and like Earl Grey, and even Lady Earl Grey tea, and so think that the New Zealand cousin would suit me just fine.


  24. Mmmm, corn on the I want some! I can perfectly understand you wanting to be a dog napped because I am exactly the same when I see a golden retriever.

  25. Shane, Nel's favorite tea is Earl Grey too. What a cute dog. I can see why you wanted to take him home with you. :) Oooo, that sweet corn looks delicious. Haven't had that in awhile. Red Beach is beautiful. I'm wondering why they call it that?

    You know, pictures of this and that are my favorite because they're of many different things. Great post, Shane.


  26. We often see photos from the Southern Hemisphere that make us long for the summer but none, I say none have made me long for it more than your BBQ sweet corn...

  27. Sweet dog, beautiful flowers, wonderful view of the water, and oh the tea sounds like a good one. Glad you don't add milk and sugar to your tea. Wondering why it is New Zealand Earl Grey?

  28. I love the soft colours of your bouquet, wonderful. Is the New Zealand Earl Grey different from our normal Twinings Earl grey? I'm looking forward to our summer with BBQ's.....
    Have a nice weekend!

  29. What a beautiful spot to have a beach house ... perfect view! The corn looks delicious, but we have a while to wait for that delight :) The little terrier is sure cute, are you sure he didn't come home with you?!

  30. Beautiful bouquet . . .
    Summer touches . . .
    I would want that lovey doggie too . . .
    Snatch . . .

  31. Hello, what a sweet doggie. I love the view of the beach and the corn looks delicious. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  32. I'd love a doggie like that too! We might have to have a little fight over him, haha!

    Lovely looking tea - I really enjoy Earl Grey but of course haven't seen this one over here. I always buy EMPRESS GREY to bring back from England (from Marks & Spencer). Lighter than Earl Grey it also uses the naturally sweet flavors of orange and lemon as well as bergamot. The base is a light and smokey Chinese leaf which blends perfectly with the citrus peel. I know you would enjoy it.

    Still hoping to enjoy a cuppa with you one of these days my dear friend.
    Mary x



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