Thursday 11 February 2016

Gobble, Gobble, Quack, Quack, Fences!

My daughter's village in France is
surrounded by farm land
mainly wheat fields, a few sun flower fields
and this farm with a yard full of hungry birds.

My youngest granddaughter
was always keen to walk down the hill
to feed the chooks, ducks, geese and turkeys.

I'm joining Tex for Good Fences
Thank you ladies for hosting.

Thank you all for popping in!

Take care and
be kind to one another

à bientôt



  1. Sweet little girl looking at all the clucking. Warm memories for you I'm sure.

  2. So sweet to see your darling grand daughter watch the chooks & geese! A wonderful rural idyll!
    Best wishes Shane!

  3. Great photos. The fences and fowls were interesting. Love the photo of your granddaughter. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  4. These must be the noisiest fences! All that quacking and gobbling -- and I suspect more than a few delighted squeals from those adorable little girls!

  5. Wonderful with fences letting you look at something lovely, like here, the ducks,and turkeys, having a great time looking for food in the green grass. And your granddaughter looks so lovely, also from the behind, Shane !!
    Dorthe, xoxo

  6. My maternal grandmother grew up on a farm, and my mother was able to visit that farm during some school holidays. I do not think she enjoyed those visits very much. I never had the opportunity to visit that farm, and even now am totally fascinated by any pictures of chickens, particularly when the pictures also include pretty little granddaughters helping with the feeding chores.

    I loved this post!

  7. Dear Shane,
    thank you for those lovely pictures!
    Wishing you a wonderful and joyful weekend,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  8. Hi Shane! Your daughter lives in a wonderful place!

  9. That is quite a yard full of birds. Your granddaughter looks sweet as she admires them. I hope you have a very nice weekend. xx Pam

  10. precious! your little grand is adorable!

  11. What a variety of birds behind that fence. I bet your little granddaughter has a great time watching them.

  12. This picture is precious of your granddaughter looking at all the different kinds of birds, Shane. I see a lot of turkeys around here, and some of them just stroll through the neighborhoods. It's hard not to take a picture of them. :)

    Happy Valentine's Day.


  13. What a fun place for your grandchildren to grow up, near so much nature.

  14. How sweet she is. I feel the same way! I stood at a pond and watched the ducks today. Love that big Tom Turkey! Hugs!

  15. Loved seeing the ducks and glad they were fenced in. They are known to peck you. That precious child did not need to get too close.

  16. Oh I remember a young grandson enamoured with the chickens at a friends farm and wanted one for a pet so badly afterwards. :-) Your granddaughter looks sweet watching the activity beyond the fence.

  17. What an amazing assortment of birds! No wonder a little girl loves to go and feed them. I'd be right there with her.

  18. How darling she is. I can see that she loves the birds. They are fun to watch!

  19. Your granddaughter obviously loves visiting the birds to see what they are up to! xx

  20. What sweet photos of gobble gobble, quack quack! I have always had a soft spot for poultry - look attractive, and give eggs too :) Sweet little grandie looking on... xxx

  21. Hello, I am sure your granddaughter loves to see and visit the chickens and geese. Wonderful collection of photos. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  22. awe, how sweet! I always thought it would be wonderful to live so near a farm...

  23. It's good to see the chickens and geese roaming around in what looks like an orchard. No wonder your little granddaughter enjoys watching them.

  24. Hello Shane, I appreciate you sharing this cute post with your sweet granddaughter and the cute geese. Great photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  25. Awww, the granddaughter and turkey photo is just the cutest!!

  26. Thank-you for sharing,your granddaughter is adorable with the fowl,phyllis

  27. Geese, turkey and chickens...I'm loving it!

  28. I'm trying to catching up with my comments, so here am I !
    I love geese, we've got Giannotto e Bea here at Tenuta Geremia, grown as two pets, they're so adorable and sweet ... they arrived here as little chicks and think me to be their mother ... actually I love them so much, I hug and kiss them so as I do with my cats, and with nobody else in my family, they have such a link !
    How lovely is your little girl watching them ... I wonder what she's thinking ... !

    Sending love to you, my friend
    across the many miles

  29. What a lovely mixed flock! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures



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