Sunday 7 February 2016

A French Tea Boutique

Café Thé et Delices - Nemours, France.
Last year I posted about this charming old village

we enjoyed our day meandering about
visiting the ancient castle and
I thought you might enjoy seeing
 the gorgeous tea boutique.

I'm joining these parties

Karen for Sunlit Sunday
Sally for Blue Monday
Judith for Mosaic Monday
Bernideen for BTTCG
Stephanie for Roses of Inspiration

Thank you ladies for hosting!

My Spode Camille Tea Cups you can read more here!

Thank you all for visiting

Take care and
be kind to one another

à bientôt



  1. Shane, this tea place is right up my alley. ;) what a charming French tea boutique. And the blue tea cups picture is so pretty. For some reason blue china has always been the prettiest to me. My wedding china was even in blue.

    A lovely post today, Shane. Have a carefree weekend.


  2. Dear Shane:
    What a darling tea shop and painted French Blue too - how perfect.
    I love the photos you shared of this darling place! So glad you shared.

  3. So many lovely shades of blue! Love those cups & saucers - they look vintage.

  4. I would love to visit the tea boutique in Nemours. I would also love to have some tea cups and saucers like those blue and white gems in your photograph.

    Thank you for reminding me about your prior Nemours post. I am going to click over to refresh my memory. February is a fine time to start thinking about future holiday destinations.


  5. Dear Shane,

    I loved seeing the beautiful little tea house and how gorgeous all the soft blues are and your pretty Spode Camille tea cups are.
    Also saw you wrote to Lillian about your roses - my two rose bushes were looking sad and thought I had lost them. I fed them with some rose food and gave them a water and they are now flowering again.
    Enjoy the long weekend dear friend

  6. A delightful tea boutique Shane and they've picked such a soothing shade of blue for the outside. Would love to join you for tea with the blue and white Spode teacups.

  7. Love the post Shane, and the beautiful blue tea cups..sweet! :}

  8. That tea boutique looks delightful - thanks for sharing.

  9. Love the storefront and the cups!!

  10. A very quaint tea shop and nice china:)

  11. Oh I love the colors in this blog - and the teacups - so wonderful!!!

  12. Oh...what a charming tea room and certainly a place I would dearly love to visit...tea rooms are delightful, and I am so glad you could it, dear Shane!
    With blessings and love...

  13. Hello dear Shane,
    the tea boutique looks very charming indeed... and those flowers are so pretty and cheerful.
    It's lovely to dream of such places, being here surrounded by the snow and ice. :)
    Thank you for sharing. Happy Sunlit Sunday and Mosaic Monday! xx

  14. Dearest Shane
    what a lovely ancient shop !
    When I see ancient details so inspiring to me, I can't help but entering !

    As I just wrote on the post you've linked here for your rea cups, I'm so deeply in love with them, what a charm !!!

    I wish you a most beautiful Sunday and new week ahead, my darling
    sending love and dear hugs to you

  15. Such pretty color and so much character to be found there. Have a wonderful evening.

  16. The pale blue shade of the tea shop is lovely and your cups an envy :)

  17. Beautiful place to visit and I really do love your Spode china. Nemours remembers me to my garden peony ´Duchess de Nemours´, a beauty too.
    Enjoy your Sunday !

  18. What to love most? The inviting boutique or the simply gorgeous blue and white teacups? Either way, I'm hooked!

  19. Beautiful teacups and I too would love to have tea in that Tea Room.

  20. This post is full of things I love - France, tea, boutiques and lots of blue! What a charming little place you found. Did you enjoy tea there or just poke around? I'd love to enjoy a cup of tea with you and your Spode cups and saucers.

  21. How charming, both the tea shop and your blue teacups.

  22. Looks like a fabulous place to stop for tea and that blue colour is so charming and delightful

  23. So beautiful. I could walk straight into the photos. Your Spode is exquisite - the loveliest shade of blue.

  24. Very nice tea boutique. Love your blue and white teacups. Great photos. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  25. Now that looks like such a darling spot for respite and those tea cups are so pretty and feminine.

  26. Hello, I like your pretty teacups. The blue and white flower pattern would be a favorite for me. The tea boutique looks lovely. Enjoy your day and new week ahead. Thanks for the visit!

  27. Dear Shane, what a whimsical little shop. Just darling. What beautiful memories you must have of your trip there. Love, Mimi xxx

  28. I do recall your mother's beautiful Camille tea set Shane - looking as stunning and sweet as ever here!
    French shops - always lovely, as we both know! Are you heading back this year?

    Hugs - Mary

  29. Hi Shane,

    What a lovely shade of blue you're sharing!

    Thanks for playing today.

    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  30. There are several nice tea rooms in my area, and my sister and I love going to them. However, none as nice as this.

  31. Dearest Shane,
    Yes such Old World Tea Boutiques and Tea Rooms are things you leave behind when moving away... I miss them but there are always two coins to the medal!

  32. What a beautiful and charming tea shop! I would be compelled to visit it if I saw it along the way. I love its French blue color. Your tea cups are also beautiful!

  33. The absolute epitome of charm! I would savour une tasse de the from such a pretty shop!
    I'm equally sure a cup of tea from your delightful Spode tea cups would be as divine!
    Beautiful post!

  34. The thought of that beautiful village takes me away momentarily, from the snowbanks of Wisconsin. Just beautiful!!! Sigh.

  35. What a lovely post! Love the shades of blue and the beautiful tea cups-
    must have been such a wonderful visit

  36. How I would love walking in the door of that tea boutique. Your cups also are just gorgeous!

  37. Dear Shane:
    I don't have that "replay" button on my blog so am answering you here - no - I won't have a shop anymore in Missouri and am loving retirement after 28 years of working. I am so excited as I look forward to creating a lovely garden in the backyard and also have a large finished room in the basement for a "personal" tea room!

  38. Just because the front is blue, I'd go into that shop!

  39. Dearest Shane, what a charming and beautiful tea shop :)

    It's always such a JOY to have you at Roses of Inspiraiton...thank you for joining the party. May you have a beautiful Valentine's Day! Much love and sweet hugs to you!

  40. That would be a wonderful place to stop for a cup of tea, Shane. It looks so pretty, although it seems you're well prepared to serve a cup as well!

  41. I'd love to visit that tea shop. Tres jolie (still remember some words from my grade 10 French. Hee!)! Thanks for sharing!



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