Wednesday 19 December 2012

Snowy images for Christmas...

I'm sure most of you know by now
I live on the other side of the world
in New Zealand.
You may be wondering why I am
posting these wintry images
when it is actually
Summer here!

As I am linking today's post
to Vee's Note Card Party
I thought some of these images
could make lovely
Christmas cards!
What do you think?

Summer scenes don't
seem very Christmassy
even in the southern hemisphere!

A snowcat maybe?!
If you're a bird lover
like me - the cat photo was taken
 in a different location to
the blackbird picture!

I love Bing Crosby's version
of this old Christmas song!

Today I'm linking to Vee's
December Note Card Party,
the last one for 2012.
Do pop over to see some
beautiful card images.
Thank you Vee for hosting
this friendly blog party!

Are you still sending
traditional Christmas cards
to friends far away, like I am?
Many of my friends don't bother any more.
I think that's sad.
I love keeping the old traditions alive
for our future generations to enjoy.

to my new followers
I will be over to visit you soon!


Thank you dear friends for visiting
my blog - especially those of you
who are kind enough to leave
a comment to tell me you've been!

Be kind to one another

Joyeux Noël



  1. Beautiful photos, Shane! Hope you have a very, Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Shane,

    Such lovely notecards with beautiful winter scenes! I love the photo of your kitty in the snow - so precious. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed holiday.

  3. Liebe Shane,
    die Karten sind sehr, sehr hübsch. Weihnachten unter Palmen ist für uns Europäer wirklich gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber in Euren Bergen liegt ja auch immer Schnee, man muß halt nur hoch hinaus.Hier ist der Schnee von dickem Nebel abgelöst worden, auch nicht wirklich weihnachtlich.
    Aber die Botschaft von Weihnachetn trägt man im Herzen, ob unter Palmen oder im Schnee.
    Ich jedenfalls wünsche dir eine Zeit voller Wunder und positiver Überraschungen, alles Liebe Babsi

  4. Hi Shane, So nice to meet you! These are such pretty photos and I love the cat especially. I have 5 kitties. Wishing you a blessed Christmas. Mildred
    am following you now, too.

  5. Beautiful cards! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
    Hugs Suzy x

  6. We forget that some of us have a warm Christmas rather than a cold one! Your snowy pictures are lovely and perfect for the holiday season. Merry Christmas!

  7. Lovely images all...I like the little black bird who wishes us all a Merry Christmas from his perch in the red berries. ☺ Well, Shane, you've answered a question I have had about Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere. I've often wondered what it is like not to have Christmas in the coldest part of the year. More important than snow and all the rest, though, is that we are all united on that one day in a mutual endeavor to worship the Reason and to celebrate His birth. That's pretty amazing, isn't it?! If you email me your snail mail addy, I'll send you a Christmas card from my corner just to say hello. It might arrive in time for the New Year. ☺ Thanks for joining us in this month's Note Card Party and I hope that you'll do it again.

  8. love the kitten shot & i believe that is a crow ... so fun & snowy. great views. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year in 2013 to you & yours. big hugs. ( :

  9. Hello Shane
    Your wintry scenes are spectacular, even if it is summer weather for you right now.
    I still do send Christmas cards, I make my own now for all occasions and find it a rewarding craft.
    Merry Christmas

  10. I love the top picture because I have a rescued dove the same as the ones in the photo.She's a beautiful girl!
    We don't have snow yet,which is very unusual for December in Ontario...but I'm sure it will come soon.
    Jane x

  11. Lovely images. The New Zealand Christmas tree is beautiful!!

  12. Hi Shane, thanks so much for your visit and nice comment. I love all your photos, and I am a bird lover! The blackbird photo is amazing. Merry Christmas to you and yours, xo

  13. Dearest Shane,
    Lovely photos but I always did love the tropical Christmas with lights in the palm trees along the streets or in other tropical trees. Amaryllis being used in Church, along with hundreds of orchids. That was quite an atmosphere and I miss it. As for the cards. We write less and less each year. They are expensive and the mailing is expensive and very poor on time delivery. So why not make phone calls? That is a lot warmer and more personal for reaching across the oceans.
    Hugs to you,

  14. Lovely!

    I grew up in Southern California, and now live in Pennsylvania. I've often wondered what it would be like to have Christmas as a Summer holiday...

    Ours is so tied to winter....


  15. What a truly beautiful collection of photos !! The snowy scenes can be very pretty but if I lived somewhere warm year round I'd be MORE than happy to share my tropical xmas decor :):)

  16. Well, you may live on the other side of the world but you live close to my heart. :) xo Rhonda

  17. All great shots, but my favorite is the second one. I'd love to have Christmas cards like that!!

  18. They are gorgeous photoes dear Shane- when winter looks most beautiful!!
    Here we have no more snow,- for how long I don`t know,-but all is grey and not very lovely. Well better to drive safe on a dry street.....
    I do think winter and christmas belongs together...but that`s because living where I do.... christmas is not about weather, but something totally different !

  19. beautiful snowy images, and makes me long for snow... maybe we will get some white flakes soon.. hope you have a beautiful holiday season, with much joy and love.. xx

  20. Love that cat one best, but all are very nice!

  21. Very pretty photos. I have experienced two cold Christmases and thought them rather weird affairs compared to a hot outdoor summer Christmas. How can being shut inside ever compare with crowded cricket matches, barbeques going long into the night, and strolling along admiring gardens and lights? Midnight mass and gossiping afterwards. Charity events and helping those disadvantaged in the community. Beach days and camping are the essence of Christmas to me. Carols by candlelight and feasting on rumballs. Sitting outside waiting for the storms. Standing in the rain and not feeling cold while we sing ridiculous songs. Midnight swims and twinkling lights. Christmas rolls into New Year and the good cheer continues. Yes, give me a hot sweaty festive season every time please.

  22. Those are all very pretty! It was probably extra fun for you to go searching for some winter-related photos for the party! I still send out a few Christmas cards, but not like I used to. I send out far more e-cards these days.

  23. Hi Shane! (That is also my youngest's name!) I found you by accident. Another blog I happened upon had a link to the Note Card Party. I followed the link here. I think I chose your blog to link over to because of your name! Your photos are lovely! I might go do a blogpost for this party right now! Merry Christmas!

  24. Love the snowy pictures.
    I still make and send cards at Christmas. Enjoy summertime there in NZ.

  25. ♥ Lovely and beautiful photos! ♥ ♥Merry Christmas to you ♥ hugs xxx riitta

  26. Hi Shane,
    Your note card pics are gorgeous and so dreamy for Christmas. Love the collage pic too. All would make the perfect Christmas card.
    Yes, I do send out many cards near and far to family and friends. It just doesn't feel like Christmas unless I keep in touch with loved ones and wish them a joyous season.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and many blessings in the New Year.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  27. Beautiful seasonal photos just right for greetings cards. Yes, I do send cards abroad to relatives in Italy and Australia and also Happy New Year cards to Japanese friends.
    Also to friends and family in the UK now we live far from my home town.
    Wishing you a very blessed Christmas and
    a peaceful new year.

  28. Hello dear Shane, We've had mostly rain for the last weeks but we can see from here some snow on the higher mountains.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family and a wonderful New Year!

  29. Beautiful cards Shane. I enjoyed each one even though you don't get snow there at Christmas. They would make wonderful cards. Merry Christmas to you! Pamela

  30. These are beautiful cards! I love kitties and your photo is adorable.
    Thank you for following, I'll be happy to follow back! I'll be back to read more when I have a bit more time.
    Merry Christmas!!

  31. Beautiful cards. The weather here is cold, gray and rainy though we need those dreamy snowy pictures.
    Have a nice christmas
    Hugs Yvonne

  32. Hi Shane,
    Nara has a colder winter than usual, so I can not imagine what summer Christmas is like. Do you have Santa in a swim suit?
    Snowy images are so beautiful.
    Merry Christmas to you!!

  33. All very pretty pics! The black bird one is amazing-love it:@)

  34. They would all make beautiful cards!!

  35. wow, i love the snowy shots. i never knew a cat would enjoy snow ...thought they would shy away from wet stuff. ha. ha!! love the mosaic best. so neat! Merry 2013 to you!! ( :



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