Wednesday 12 December 2012


Hello dear friends.
Today I thought I would share with
you a typical New Zealand
Christmas table!

As many of you already know
Christmas here is in Summer,
so it's quite different to
temperatures on your side of
the world.
Many of us opt to have our
Christmas lunch or dinner
outside - weather dependent.
Fingers crossed it will
be a hot and summery!

Our decorating reflects
Summer too
although many people still
prefer the traditional
red berries and holly leaves.

I'm a white and silver girl
at Christmas with touches
of red in tea light candles.

A summerhouse is the perfect
location for the table

This beautiful one was in
one of the gardens
I visited, see previous post

Thank you all for visiting
I hope you take some time
during the business of the next
two weeks to reflect on
the true meaning of

to my lovely new followers
take care of one another
Joyeux Noël


Today I'm linking to
Becky at Timewashed and


  1. O wowww!!..beautiful table setting darling...Christmas in summer so strange for enjoy......thanks for your

  2. ciao shane... per me è insolito vedere una tavola così ben apparecchiata in stile natalizio ...con un panorama "estivo" questo momento qui sono convinta che le emozioni, l'attesa e l'atmosfera è quella giusta...lo si vede dalla cura che c'è in ogni piccolo dettaglio......colgo l'occasione per farti i miei migliori auguri di ogni bene e pace!!!
    PS..ho sempre un po' di difficoltà con l'inglese...te la sentiresti di inserire sul tuo blog il ..traslate??? grazie

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your Christmas! And reminding us that it's not about the snow or that we need the snow and cold to make it the holiday season! You table setting is so festive and like you, I enjoy white and silver as the color scheme. A pop of red? Perfect touch!

  4. That looks beautiful Shane but also strange. Christmas in summer, but I know that from my time in South-Africa. Sitting in a pool singing:"I´m dreaming of a white christmas..."while the candles at the tree were melting away.As an alternative, you have chosen a warm-white decoration, very stylish!
    Here we got 20 cm snow this morning, it´s a winter wonderland!

    Warm wishes, Babsi

  5. I'd love to experience a summer Christmas.Silver and white is beautiful wherever you celebrate,I think.
    Jane x

  6. A beautiful colour scheme for a table setting. As you can see from my latest blog post it's very cold in my corner of the world, although we've had some blue skies too.

  7. How pretty! I love the place setting with the rustic star and the rosemary! Simple and beautiful!

  8. Hi dear Shane,
    As I read your post, this beautiful setting if from one of the gardens you have almost just visited, and not your own garden shed?- But it is so very beautiful, and elegant,- and I guess I would also "only" need a bit of silver, and white in christmas on your side of the world :-).... Living here, we are so used to connect christmas with cold and snow- - but ofcourse also the true meaning of it!
    Shane, I dearly hope your packet will soon arrive, I think it should be about time !!!

  9. Your Christmas table is truly beautiful. I love the white and silver color scheme.
    I lived in Puerto Rico for a few years so know what it's like to have a warm Christmas. The weather doesn't matter though does it, because it is really about Jesus! : )

  10. gorgeous photos and sharing dear Shane!

    Love the touches of Rosemary for Remembrance too :)

    Your Christmas' must be so beautiful and special!

    ho ho ho
    fa la laaa

  11. The perfect location for a Summer Christmas Shane ... I will be spending the day pool-side ... So very different to a European Christmas.

  12. Hi Shane,
    Hard to tell from the photos, but do the stars over the table represent Christmas under the Southern Cross? I've seen this done a few times here in OZ and it's such a great idea. xx

  13. Wow! hard to imagine a summer Christmas, sure looks inviting!beautiful tablescape!

  14. This was fun to see - it's hard to imagine Christmas being anything but cold and wintery (at least for those of us who live on the 'other' side of the world). Thanks for showing us!

  15. Dearest Shane,
    Oh, how I miss those tropical Christmas days we celebrated while working and living in Indonesia... You show a perfect setting and with a sprig of green rosemary on the napkin it looks, and smells great!
    Enjoy your special season.
    Hugs to you,

  16. Gorgeous - my table never looks quite that lovely but enjoying the sunshine and hoping we might be in the pool very soon :-)

  17. Dear shane,
    love,love your table setting.
    So very beautiful.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. oh how perfectly LOVELY your table setting is!!! Wish I could be spending a Christmas with the beauty of summer weather. I could just picture myself at your table taking in a gentle breeze and the scent of rosemary mmmmm...

  19. Hi Shane, Adore the lovely New Zealand Christmas decor so much! What a lovely setup for the outdoors as well. I must say, sometimes I think it is summer here in Kansas during the Christmas season, I love the snow! Lovely photos as always! xo Pam

  20. Just gorgeous, Shane! I love every detail! And here in Florida, our Christmas climate is much the same as yours! And I love it, too!

    Thanks for sharing at Blissful Whites Wednesday!!

    Christmas cheer to you!

  21. I find the Kiwi style of decor just beautiful. I hope the weather is nice so you can eat outside where you've shown in this post.

  22. Thank you for sharing your "summer" christmas table. For us it is strange this way cause we only think on snow and cold. But it looks lovely. Have a quiet wonderful christmas dear Shane.

    Hugs and Love

  23. What a lovely setting for your Christmas dinner, Shane, it looks beautiful! Thank you for showing us :-)

  24. Hi Shane,

    The table setting is fabulous and isn't it great when we can dine outdoors. Must have been fun going on the Garden tour. We had breakfast out on the deck yesterday, but sadly it is raining today.

    Happy new week



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