Monday 22 April 2013

A Sweet Bouquet

We had friends for dinner
on Saturday.
Dawn brought me a beautiful
bouquet of Autumn roses
from her garden.

The red one is
General Gallieni a tea rose
introduced in 1899.

Dawn doesn't know the name of
the creamy yellow one.
It had a lovely subtle fragrance,
 I'm doing some research
as I would love to order one.

I'm linking to Mary for
Mosaic Monday

Don't forget Terri's Giveaway
see my side bar for details!

Wishing you all a very happy week.

À bientôt

be kind to one another




  1. Beautiful roses - and even more special because they came from a friend's garden :) Have a lovely day! x

  2. Shane, if you send the photo to David Austin roses and ask for help, they may be able to identify it.
    It seems strange to hear you talk about Autumn when we are just coming into Spring!

  3. Lovely roses. Here it is spring, the roses are not in bloom.
    Wishing you all a very good day.

  4. How beautiful, Shane. Such gorgeous roses. Enjoy! Pamela

  5. That's a thoughtful hostess gift of fragrant roses fresh from the garden.

  6. I think you have very gracious guests with excellent taste! These are just lovely!

  7. I am terrible too at flower names...but who cares right? As long as we have their beauty to share. Visiting from Mosaic Monday☺

  8. Lovely photos, I feel as if I could smell the odour.We are enjoying the first sunny days of spring. Have a good time.

  9. What beautiful roses - I can almost smell the fragrance and feel those soft petals. Your friend is so sweet.

    Have a wonderful week, Shane.

  10. Such lovely roses - they always cheer me up.

  11. Thanks for sharing your beautiful roses with us!
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.
    Have a great week.

  12. The old fashioned roses are so pretty. Have a great week. Tammy

  13. Dear Shane, what an adorable rose-bouquet, your friend brought you-I alwayes think that a big homegrown bouquet of roses is the most beautiful flowers to recieve- the red one has the most fantastic colours!
    Oh I wish the deers are not eating my roses this summer!

  14. Very beautiful, Shane. We have a few rose bushes that are flowering so well right now.

    Sending blessings your way. xo Rhonda

  15. Shane, make sure you dry these beauties when they start to fade - you will love them even longer then. I just tie mine with string and hang them upside down in the dry potting shed - doesn't take long for them to dry out, then you have a lovely arrangement for the Winter months. Of course you need to hang them before all the petals drop to have success!

    Thanks for the nice comment on my garden walk today. I hope you can find the George Taber azalea - they grow into massive bushes with hundreds of blooms - mine are about 4' tall now. I prune them a bit annually and will be fertilizing them with azalea food once the blooms are finished. They have large trees providing a canopy above and some sun during the day - seem to like their spot! Don't forget - azaleas need watering heavily during their first year, just like most new babies in the garden. Mine Winter well, they are evergreen, although it does get cold here at times. Then of course the Summers are very hot and humid. But azaleas are native to the southeast USA so should do well with a little attention.

    Happy gardening days dear -
    Mary X

  16. Beautiful roses Shane - how lovely of your friend. I have some rose bushes still blooming in my autumn rose garden but nothing as lovely as that. Happy week, Julie :-)

  17. Roses make a home so much more beautiful and their scent lingers. Enjoy your week, sweet friend!

  18. The old-fashioned roses that were a gift from your friend are beautiful. Maybe they are the last of the season and, therefore, even more special? I can imagine that you're enjoying the scent from that pretty cream one. I like your first collage with the small collage inside the bigger photo and I'm wondering what programme you use?
    Hope you're having a good week.

  19. What beautiful roses, in my favourite shades of pink and cream. A perfectly lovely gift from your friend!

  20. They are beautiful roses Shane - and roses are about the only thing I can grow, or should I say, "they live in spite of me"!
    I have several mini roses that have actually thrived, and David Austen "Peace" which truly and literally has had to thrive by it's roots (the top keeps dying and a new one grows).

  21. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous roses with us ... I can almost smell them from here ... we have rose buds on our climbing China Girl rose but our shrub roses are a long way to go still...something to definitely look forward too ♥

  22. So much beauty in these roses Shane and what better gift is there to give a friend. You have created such a beautiful collage with these images.
    Hope you are having fun researching your roses for Spring.
    Sending love and rose hugs,

  23. Gorgeous roses and such a lovely collage!

  24. hello
    une très belle mosaïque de roses
    et un titre de blog
    qui ne pouvait que m' arrêter
    j' adore la dentelle et les fleurs
    j' aime beaucoup
    à très bientôt
    edith (iris)

  25. Gorgeous flowers and mosaics!

  26. Hi Shane,

    Such gorgeous roses and even more special, coming from your friends garden.
    Also can see how you must treasure your beautiful blue Spode Camilla set.
    Hope that you are enjoying the week and Anzac day


  27. I love your mosaics with the gorgeous flowers! I'm so glad to meet you, a new friend from New great! I'm going to be a new follower, this way I won't miss you. Hope you like to follow back. Now I'm gonna check your blog!

  28. There are so many lovely roses out there, one would need a HUGE garden!
    I can't wait for our Queen of Sweden to come out :-)

  29. Those pictures are just amazing! I love roses, especially old roses that are very "fluffy".




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