Friday 2 August 2013


It gets harder and harder each time
I say 'au revoir' to my
french family.
I had the most wonderful six weeks
and shared many precious moments...

The girls and I made special cup cakes
on my last day

After a 33 hour trip home
I'm feeling jet-lagged
and naturally a little sad...

so I'm leaving you with a few
images of happier moments!

collecting raspberries
on her way up the garden -
as you do!

Dressed as a Princess at
Chateau d'Ancy-le-Franc

a fun walk in the forest

le spectacle de ballet

Ready to leave for 
Charles de Gaulle airport Paris ....


to my dear friends
Dagmar, Mary, Suzy and Carolyn
for your sweet
'welcome home'
messages - 
that means so much to me!

À bientôt

be kind to one another



  1. Welcome Home!
    Bentornata a casa. Ma da te é inverno?

  2. I can imagine how bereft you feel having said good bye to your lovely family.

  3. Oh, what beautiful children! It must have been hard to leave them. And France! (Scroll down the Gypsy for lots of Paris in July posts if you are feeling "homesick!")

  4. Welcome home dear Shane and know how hard it must have been to say Au revoir to your loved ones.
    Your little Grand-daughters are so very sweet.

    Have a great weekend and hope you get lots of rest - the jet-lag is not nice.

  5. Hi Shane, I'm glad you have had a wonderful vacation in France. It is difficult to leave our loved ones behind after a visit, especially the grandchildren. We are to visit ours tomorrow for 12 days so I will feel as you do after. Blessings to you. Pamela

  6. Nice to see you back blogging Shane. I'm sure the time went by fast with your family and I've enjoyed the shared photos.

  7. I'm so glad you had a wonderful summer! I know you have lots of photos to share and memories. Take your time...get lots of rest! We'll love hearing all about it! Sweet hugs!

  8. Oh dear Shane,
    it is so hard to say goodby, my dear-
    I just have my daughter and the kids here now, and saturday will be their last day here, before returning home again :-(
    Lovely photoes you have shared with your darling granddaughters !!!
    Take care- and see you soon.

  9. Welcome back dear Shane, and thank you for sharing your sweet granddaughters...hard to leave, but you have such wonderful memories. Love those cupcakes, and the princesses - both big and little! I've been seeing rather a lot of sunflowers this week - Spring is just around the corner! xxx

  10. wonder you're feeling a little sad to leave part of your family in France. What cutie pies! Hope that each time you are feeling blue that you unwrap a sweet memory. Looking forward to more pictures.

  11. Yes, you have lovely grandchildren. I imagine you made many happy memories and they were as sad to see you go as you felt leaving.

  12. I seriously was thinking about you and how I missed your posts! I did remember later you were in France. I'm so glad you spent such quality time with your family. Everyone is growing up! Jet-lag is horrible, take your time and I cannot wait to hear about all your adventures, even if it was only a garden adventure. Love that garden shot with your grandbaby.

  13. I thought it would soon be time and you'd be back here sharing the stories and photos of those precious granddaughters.

    Glad you have arrived home safely dear Shane - and when you've rested well and long, and caught up with all the bits and bobs of life that always mount up whilst we're traveling far and wide, I'll be here waiting for more stories because I know you'll have some fun ones from always lovely France.

    Welcome home - you were missed.
    Hugs - Mary

    P.S. After 6 weeks you must be fluent!!!!

  14. I can't even imagine having to part with those sweet girls. 33 hours is a long trip, take care and rest. We will be here when you are rested.

  15. Dearest Shane,
    Oh, I do know this sting too well... First their is the happiness of taking off in order to reunite with family. Happy times that fly... and the unavoidable 'au revoir' is hitting us really hard. Coming home is more than just the jet lag; even more so the emotional feelings weigh in. It takes me more than a week for adjusting back to normal routine; you are in a kind of daze at first. Yes, sweet memories but you wanted to hold on to the special moments.
    Did you travel all by yourself?
    A tight hug to you and rest well. Sleep is a great medicine with dreams as a most welcome side effect!

  16. Welcome Home Shane - I have missed your posts. So glad to see you had a wonderful time with family - your photos are just beautiful. Hugs, Julie x0x

  17. Welcome home Shane. I understand that you are a little sad. It must be so hard after a lovely time with your family and precious granddaughters to say goodbeye to them and then fly to another part of the world.
    Many hugs anf love.

  18. A lovely little family. I know you will be feeling sad and I hope you'll remember you have created shared memories of your time together. We bloggers are happy to have you back with us. xx

  19. Three precious grandaughters. How hard it must be to be so far away.
    Time flies and vbefore you know it you will be getting ready for another trip. Precious memories will carry you through.


  20. Oh Shane, I too would miss my family - I'm lucky enough to have my children here with me in France. We do miss my stepson who returned to UK but looking forward to him visiting in the near future. You have some wonderful memories to carry you through until the next time. x

  21. Don't you wish you could just be in both places at once? We had nearly two weeks with our son and d-i-l and I can't wait to see them again. It was nice to come home, but hard to leave too.

  22. Bienvenue chez toi, Shane. How bittersweet returning home is when leaving beloved family behind. I'm glad your time was sweet and know that you will cherish the memories you created. Hugs, Lorrie

  23. Welcome Home...
    you poor dear what a long long trip that is...
    but getting the chance to add to so many lovely memories is really a blessing!

    Thank you for sharing these sweet photos

    Take care ♥

  24. Totally missed you, hope your computer gets fixed, what a sweet son to understand you need to stay in touch❤

  25. Oh, mein Gott, ich habe solange nichts mehr von dir gelesen...
    Endlich, ich freue mich, das du gesund und munter bist, und wieder schreiben kannst.
    Es muss eine wunderbare Reise gewesen sein. Mir kamen die Tränen vor Rührung.
    Du hättest mich hier in Deutschland besuchen können, ich hätte mich sehr gefreut :-)
    Von Laptops habe ich keine Ahnung, sorry. Ich habe einen ganz normalen großen Rechner.

    Ganz liebe Grüße und Umarmung
    von Sophie xx



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