Monday 30 January 2012


Hello dear friends

I tend to forget that not everyone
in the world and blogland
are experiencing the joys of

So I thought I would give you
a wander through the garden
to see just what's in flower
on my side of the world
in New Zealand!

This is a New Zealand bred rose named
(the Maori name for New Zealand).

It is a wonderful rose for picking
and has a long flowering period
from November until
Maybe you could enquire at your
local garden centre or a rose grower -
you would never regret
adding this one to your collection.

You will all probably recognise
Souvenir de la Malmaison.

She is a my favourite of all roses,
 an exquisitely fragrant
Bourbon rose.
Cecile Brunner
is another favourite.
She has a sweet fragrance
and makes a wonderful climber.

A beautiful striped rose.
I'm sorry I can't remember her
name, but I think she is a
sport of the old gallica
Rosa Mundi.
I adore this old creamy Foxglove
and it's a perfect companion for
roses -
as is this delightful
Love-in-a-Mist -

and this soft pink Alyssum
and this Lavender Ruffles.
I bought this new variety
last year, but it only flowers
during the Summer.
Whereas dentata flowers
all year round in Auckland.
Ruffles is quite a showy
performer tho!!!

I hope you've enjoyed your wander
and just think, Spring is just
around the corner for most of you!!

Thank you all for popping in to see me
especially those of you who leave
comments.... love you!
A big welcome to my new followers
Thank you for joining my blog.
Be kind to one another
Love and hugs
Shane x


  1. Oh how lovely to see the roses Shane - wish I could smell them! We used to have a rose garden at the dairy farm that my MIL planted. It was actually at the dairy shed in the centre of the tanker track! It's still raining (drizzly rain and ever so humid) over here and if I dare to go out in my garden the leeches come after me! I only have a few roses and my hedge of lavender did not appreciate all the wet summers. There is one lavender that survived and that's next to the path which is nice. We are now trying blueberry bushes in that garden bed which is edged with rock. The ability to grow tropical fruit and flowers is one compensation but I do sometimes miss my first garden in NZ which I planted in cottage style.
    Lovely photographs - I'm sure your readers in the Northern hemisphere will appreciate a touch of summer!

  2. Oh my ! The flowers are so glorious. Were in the middle of winter here, so these are pure eye candy. I'm dreaming of warmer weather .
    Hugs Lynn

  3. After winter---oh, the wonderful springtime and summer for us in Sweden. Love to see your flowers!
    Hugs Gudrun

  4. Love that stripy rose - absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful photographs.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  5. Wonderful, wonderful photos! I wish I had a garden, but I make do with trips out and our allotment. Managed to capture some snowdrops and a small ray of sunshine this weekend with some daffodils. Suzy x

  6. oh..che bello, shane! hai aperto una finestra sull'estate...mi pare di sentire questi profumi...specialmente perchè qui in questo momento sta nevicando!!!!!! grazie per le belle foto...dalmazia

  7. Divine, I'm in my mother's garden, I can smell them fron here, sigh... Mx

  8. Wowwwww beautiful rosses and flowers in your garden !! thanks just what i need right now......we have snow here in Holland....for the first time this year.....i hate it.......brrrrrr.......i am just home with the dogs.....they love snow.......i hope spring will come

  9. hello Shane,
    What a lovely can almost smell those beautiful sweet you are to share them..saw in your posts you will see your sweet new granddaughter in a couple of sweet will that be...sunshine and hugs to you..

  10. What GORGEOUS specimens these are! I am so envious of these beauties. My only flowers are my tough little pansies. Thanks for sharing the stunning photos!

  11. Hi Shane, how wonderful to see all the summer blooms in your corner of the world. It is easy to forget that we have different seasons. That striped rose looks like a paper flower. So pretty! We've had very mild weather lately. Not cold, not hot, just perfect. Wishing you a great week. Tammy

  12. I can almost smell the roses from here and how lovely to see them instead of the dull yucky snow/mud we have had here.

  13. Thank you for that
    fantastic trip through
    the garden...mmm....
    I could almost smell
    those roses, which are
    amazing, btw! I hope
    to return to NZ in the
    spring, someday. My
    only trip was mid-October,
    back in the fall of 2002,
    and though the roses
    weren't blooming, the
    spring bulbs were and
    it was beautiful. I hope
    your week is off to a
    lovely start, Shane!

    xx Suzanne

  14. Ohh..I miss my New Zealand garden Shane! Thank you so much for this lovely gorgeous is that Aetearoa! :)

    Jeanne xx

  15. Hi, just a quick note to let you know I have nominated your blog for the versatile blogger award, for full details check out my blog! Suzy x

  16. Hi Shane,
    Thank you for your recent visit to my blog and kind comments.
    I enjoyed this chance to see the gorgeous flowers that are blooming for you. It is winter here now, but feels more like spring. The spring bulbs are poking out of the ground so it won't be long now.
    I look forward to many visits to your blog. It's the next best thing to going to New Zealand. I have heard so many wonderful things about your country!! We visited Australia in 2010 and I'm kicking myself for not working in a trip to NZ.

  17. Thank you, Shane, for sharing your garden with us :) How lovely to see all that colour, something to look forward to, soon I hope. It is very cold here, minus 5 right now :(

  18. Shane,
    Your flowers are absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for sharing them with the blogging world.

    Take care.

  19. These are simply gorgeous! Oh, how I long for the pretty pink flowers of summer -- though I shouldn't complain -- January and 50 aren't often things said in the same sentence here -- unless it's someone's birthday! Definitely NOT with the weather! Must look down at your next!!

  20. Your garden tour is absolutely divine Mz Shane!!!

    I adore roses and Nigella and Lavender and well all flowers

    it is lovely of you to share your summer garden with us...everything is bare and brown here

    altho the daffodils are a bit confused because it's been so warm...they have already sent up green leaves

    I will put on head on the pillow tonite dreaming of your sweetly scented roses and pear tartes...thank you very much :)



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