Sunday 11 January 2015

Oh Paris.....

I've no doubt you are all as alarmed as I am 
at the horrific and tragic happenings in Paris last week.

It is very sad to see French soldiers on patrol
at Paris monuments
protecting both french citizens and tourists.

On Friday evening at 8pm
the lights of the Tour Eiffel
 were turned off for six minutes
in respect for the citizens who died
in the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Please pray for the families of those who
lost their lives in this atrocious attack.

My regular followers will know how anxious I feel
having members of my family living so close to Paris.
Please keep them in your prayers
asking God to protect them and keep them safe.

I am joining Karen for Sunlit Sunday

Karen, I know this isn't a "sunny" post as such
but I would like to share it here as a reminder to us all
of how lucky we are to live simple lives
in our little necks of the woods
far away from the "hot spots" of today's unfathomable world.

I'm also joining Judith for Mosaic Monday.

Take care and
be kind to one another

Merci à bientôt


I  love Paris


  1. My prayers are with the families of those who lost their lives and also with the police and military who are dealing with such horrible acts. We will not let them win.

  2. Dearest Shane,
    Let's hope and pray that Peace will winn...

    My present post is also showing an act of vandalism that did hurt us so much.

  3. My heart is so sad and heavy... such tragedy and loss that should not happen.

    My prayers are with Paris and the many people involved. Yes, may we pray for peace.

    Love and hugs to you!

  4. The prayer of St. Francis of Assisi is beautiful - when I was a teenager I sang in a girls' choral group and one of our songs was this prayer. So lovely and wouldn't it be wonderful if we all prayed that and lived it?
    My heart has hurt for Paris and for France this week.
    I pray that this coming week will be brighter.

  5. Praying for your family members, all the peace-loving people around the world, and that the today's march in Paris will go safely.

  6. I love St Francis' prayer, and also sing it from time to time. It is so beautiful, and moving. Praying for your family, and all the others affected by this awful tragedy. It makes my heart heavy to see the armed soldiers round the Eiffel Tower, and to know the significance of it. So sad. xoxox

  7. Joining with you and those around the world in prayer during this tragic time and particularly remembering your family.

  8. Let´s pray for peace, but I am in doubt if that ever will happen. It´s a strange world.

  9. Shane,
    Wishing you and yours well. If only we all would remember we are on this earth together, to coexist, to live. Peace.

  10. Dear Shane, I know that the horrible assassinations in Paris have touched you very much as well. Your daughter is living in France, far away from her mother's wings... My hubby is working in Paris at the moment and I am filled with fear. The turmoil of the world is far beyond my understanding. Are we not all humans who have the same wish for a peaceful coexistence?
    I feel very close to you at the moment after reading your post. I have dedicated my recent post to this event, too, including a giveaway to spread some little love against the darkness... If you are interested and find the time, please visit me:
    Hugs from Manu

  11. It certainly was a shock and extremely sad. Thank you for sharing the prayer.

  12. Dear Shane,
    prayer for Paris, for the poor souls that have lost their lives and their families and praying for your family to be safe.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  13. A beautiful prayer to pray at this time and any time. It is great sadness and I know how close it is for you. Keep looking up ….

  14. Prayers going up once again for the people in Paris and will add your family that is over there to my prayer list. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  15. I can do no more than to echo and agree with all that you have said. xx

  16. Such a tragedy, I just watched the tv , so impressive, more than a million people in Paris ....
    Hugs from Amsterdam
    Erna x

  17. It is very tragic indeed and I'm sure you are worried about your family there. Praying for God's protection over them and all France. Our world is changing. That poem is also a beautiful hymn. Blessings to you.

  18. My heart is aching for Paris, its people, my friends who live there, your family and all who love her. I've been glued to CNN as they cover the magnificent outpouring of expression. Please let there be tolerance in this world.

  19. Dear Shane,

    I also have a very best friend living in Paris. On Wednesday in Paris everybody were confused, shocked.Paris is only a few hours away. We live in a strange world but we stand together, especially here in Europe. We are all CHARLIE!

    Luv Babs

  20. I can understand how this tragic event would be sitting heavily on your heart and mind, Shane, as it does with so many around the world.


  21. I pray your family and friends are safe and that justice is done.

  22. Deze Shane, it is a sad period for France. Groetjes, Hetty

  23. My prayers go out to the victims and their families.. I love the beautiful St Francis of Assisi prayer.. It is a sad time for Paris and France. I hope your family remains safe...

  24. Terrible tragedies in Paris and the prayer of St. Francis is timely Shane.
    I love the photo of the tower with all the night life below, I'd love to visit this country some day.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  25. Oh Shane we are all watching and praying and we feel so very sad for what has happened. Please take care of yourselves, stay safe. One these days, just never knows where evil may raise it's ugliness. God Bless you and your country~

  26. I was just thinking of St. Francis' prayer today. It is beautiful. Praying for your family and for peace.

  27. such tragedy in such a beautiful city. The effects have spread all around the world.
    Take care.
    I am joining you today over at Mosaic Monday.

  28. All of our hearts are with France. <3

  29. So sad for the violence in Paris, my favorite city to visit. So sad for those all around the world that suffer at other violence. My heart is heavy and I wish I knew how love can permeate these hearts of hatred.



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