It is worrying times again in New Zealand.
Last Friday an accident occurred at the
Pike River Coal Mine.
The mine is situated near Greymouth
in the West Coast region
in the West Coast region
of the South Island.
An explosion has left 29 miners
trapped 1,500 metres (4,900 ft)
from the mines entrance.

They have been testing air samples
from inside the mine and these
still indicate poisonous gases present.
The risk of further explosions mean it
is unsafe for the rescue teams to enter
the mine at present.
the mine at present.
This is very traumatic for the families
who have loved ones in the mine.
Please join with us in prayer that our
29 men trapped underground
will be delivered alive and well
back to their families.
Thank you dear friends for your comments
may you have a good week
and “be kind to one another”
take care
may you have a good week
and “be kind to one another”
take care
I went to Greymouth on my honeymoon in 1995, so I know where it is. I hadn't looked it up before to "find out" where the mine site was. Thanks for personalising it for me. My hopes and prayers for the families affected that their people will come back to them safely and soon.
ReplyDeleteBonjour Shane, I am praying that they will be rescued soon and all be found fit and well.I cannot begin to imagine what their friends and family are going through right now - it really puts your own life into perspective.
ReplyDeleteBisous, Leeann
My prayers are being sent your way. How much we all hope they are rescued and soon.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Rhonda
I heard about the accident in the news. So terrible, all we can do is hope and pray that the men are OK and will be rescued!
Hi Shane:- I have been watching the events unfold on tv & praying that this morning brings more hopful news - How distressing for the families!
Australia is getting a lot of news on it and having been through similiar with three miners in Tasmania recently, the thoughts and prayers of our nation are with your nation as you anxiously await news.
ReplyDeleteThese things seem to be happening more and more - very scary. Prayers are certainly heading towards NZ right now.
ReplyDeleteI am so words..just lots of prayers..