Saturday 7 September 2019

The Golden Days of Spring 2019

A lovely New Zealand native Kowhai tree in
Cornwall Park.
The flowers nectar is a food source for birds
especially two of our native birds

Kereru (a large wood pigeon) 

Tui, called the Parson Bird
because it has a white tuft at it's neck
resembling a Parson's collar!

I enjoyed my walk in Cornwall Park 
to see the
the golden daffodils and kowhai flowers.
True to Spring
there were new lambs and calves too!

Take care and
be kind to one another.
My thoughts are with all those in the 
Bahamas and the US
affected by Hurricane Dorian.
The damage and chaos is horrific.
You are very much in the thoughts of all
New Zealanders and we are sending 
our prayers your way. 
Take care.
Mary and Bob, I was so happy to read
Mary's post and know you are both safe.

Merci à bientôt



  1. Lovely photos of the Kowhai and daffodils. Our great-granddaughter is called Kowhai.

    1. It's that special time of year for yellow and gold flowers!
      How is your GD's name pronounced is Ko-fii or Ko-i,I wonder.

  2. Shane , how lovely to see a post from you today!
    We are beginning to think about daffodils and planting bulbs for the Spring....whilst you are already enjoying them!

    1. Thank you dear B!
      It's your fun time when the nursery catalogues arrive and choices are made!
      I'll pop over to say hello soon!
      Take care
      Shane xx

  3. Oh spring arrived a bit early! So much better than arriving late. The yellow flowers are beautiful! The harbingers of spring. Enjoy your days!

    1. Thank you Vee!
      We are having an awfully wet Spring with just the occasional sunny day with deep blue skies. I musn't moan as the weather is much warmer and we don't need heaters any more....yea!

  4. When you don't post often and all of a sudden there are photos of an opposite season it always startles me! I tend to forget in the interim about the other side of the globe. ;-) Happy to be slowly headed into fall here, but it's delightful to see your Spring springing!

    1. Thank you Michelle for your visit! Your so right when you say I don't post often - I am going to try and do better.
      I've got every excuse under the sun however, others like you have very busy lives and you manage to keep in contact!
      Watch this space!!!!

  5. Hello Shane, oh the flowers are so pretty and I just love spring. I hope you enjoy it. We will be going into fall now and it's one of my favorite times of year. Take care.
    Julie xo

    1. Hello Julie, so lovely to see you comment pop up!
      We've been blogging friends for a long time now!
      I began my blog in April 2010.
      I've been so neglectful of my blog and I am going to try post more often now and keep in touch with my friends who mean so much!
      Take care

  6. Enjoyed this post. Great photos. Have a blessed day. Madeline

    1. Thank you dear Madeline... and you too!

    2. Thanks so much dear Shane for thinking of us here in North Carolina during the hurricane. Fortunately we had just heavy rain and gusty winds inland but the coast has suffered quite a lot of damage.
      Good to see you back here and sharing touches of your spring as we go toward autumn.
      Love the birds!
      Hugs - Mary

    3. We are at the mercy of the weather - and even here we have had hurricane alerts but they have changed their path luckily for us.
      Mary dear, I hope the winds will die down and you can enjoy a mellow Autumn in Raleigh.
      Shane xx

  7. Dearest Shane,
    That is a lot of happy yellow blossoms right now in New Zealand and especially your Kowhai is so exotic looking.
    We are always safe and the entire Georgia coast got kind of skipped by, luckily because such storms can cause severe damage. Even though we were without Internet or TV signal for hours yesterday, so we were early in bed.

  8. Welcome back, Shane. It's so lovely to see you here again. Those blooms are lovely. We're headed into fall -- I'd rather it was your spring!

  9. Early spring is such a beautiful thing. I love the daffodils and seeing the interesting and very different springtime flowers of NZ. It's so lovely to see a post from you! Have a wonderful week!

  10. It's wonderful to have this great reminder that you are in an opposite season from me. What an interesting world God has made for us to enjoy.

  11. Shane, Spring is spectacular around your area. That Parson bird is something else. I haven't seen him yet. Such a unique and lovely bird. Such a terrible thing that is happening in the Bahamas right now. Autumn has just arrived in my area, and I'm enjoying all the oranges and golds of the season.

    Wishing you happy September days.


  12. So lovely to see your daffodils and spring time. Welcome to the world of blogging. I miss you! Have a wonderful springtime as we are enjoying autumn.

  13. aloha Shane
    here I am again, at home in the Islands
    the pictures of NZ flora and fauna make me want to go home. Lovely
    I will email soon
    Love Lilla

  14. A belated visit to see your gorgeous photos. Spring is still coming up here in Northland - the weather's so changeable - most mostly warm so the grass is growing! Your Kowhai was out quite early - our's are usually not until towards the end of September and are just finishing now. Nice to see your post :-)



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