Wednesday 14 October 2015

Tea Cups Travel the World.....

My dear friend

has hosted another of her world famous
Tea CupExchange

I was partnered with

She sent me a beautiful tea cup named
embellished with exquisite pink roses
of the vintage kind - my favourites

Also in the package were
a gorgeous heart
the prettiest beaded lace collar 
both hand made by Mimi.

I just love the sweet card Mimi made
for me as well.

Thank you
You have spoiled me with
all these pretty gifts!

I sent my tea cup to

it was my pleasure to find
the right tea cup for her

Stephanie had sent me an email
telling me Trisha's favourite colour was yellow
so when I spotted this bone china tea cup
in a little antique shop
I knew it would be perfect!
It is a Royal Albert cup


I hope Trisha loves it too.

I added some other 'tea related' bits and bobs
with a Kiwi flavour
to give her a taste of New Zealand.

Thank you
dear Stephanie for hosting another
of your lovely tea parties.

I know what a huge undertaking it is
and you run it like a professional!

Please visit Stephanie's blog here

I'm joining Mimi for

do pop over for a look!

Take care dear friends and
be kind to one another

Merci à bientôt



  1. Good Morning Shane, Oh you must be so excited to receive such a beautiful tea cup and saucer.... and I love the name Clementine. The pink of the rose with the pale blue background remind me of a lovely summers day in the garden.
    .... and you found the perfect teacup and saucer for Mimi.... she will be so happy. I am going to pop over and visit Mimi in a moment.
    Enjoy your gifts..... they are lovely.
    Best Wishes to you.

  2. What beautiful teacups all round Shane. I love the pretty pink on blue, and yellow is always a winner too. Methinks I will have to get involved in this teacup exchange malarky :)) Happy days xx

  3. Hello Shane,
    Wow what a lovely tea cup and goodies you received from Mimi. This is such a fun exchange that Stephanie organizes. Enjoy everything.
    Julie xo

  4. I loved all of my goodies that you sent and I loved the Kiwi touch! Thank you again for your wonderful generosity!


  5. What beautiful tea cups. The other gifts she sent you were really pretty. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  6. Hi Shane,
    such a beautiful Tea Cup you got from Mimi! and so many lovely treats! This is just a georgeous idea!
    Wishing you a happy rest of the week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  7. So nice to see all those wonderful teacups on the blogs. You received such a romantic one with old roses, a real gem. But I also love the yellow Royal Albert cup, Primulette, you should like to have it already only for the name.
    Have a nice day!

  8. Oh my goodness what gorgeous tea cups! Such a fun exchange too! Beautiful!

  9. This is so the cups......have a Nice evening Darling l love Ria x

  10. Such a lovely swap to take part in! You sent and received beautiful cups and other things! xx

  11. what absolutely gorgeous teacups Shane!! Thank you for showing them at their best. How could one resist a beautiful teacup and saucer?

  12. Hello Shane, your new Clementine teacup is charming and the accessories will be fun to wear. This was a fun exchange and I look forward to the next one in spring.

  13. certainly gave and received some beautiful gifts! This was my first time and what a blessing it was! Just the thought of teacups being sent from all around the world gives me sweet goose bumps. Stephanie is such a jewel! I wish I have remembered to atke photos of the gifts I sent time I will know to do this! Blessings!

  14. What a beautiful teacup you received, Shane, and all the other handmade items, too. The teacup that you sent to Trisha is such a beauty, and I'm sure she will treasure it. Thanks to our dear hostess, Stephanie, for organizing all this out of love and kindness, which blesses us all.

  15. Dear Shane, I am so thrilled and honoured to have been partnered with you. I hope the teacup and the pretties bring you joy. Love, Mimi xxx

  16. Now that is a lovely exchange. Both teacups and all the gifties! wonderful!!

  17. What a lovely way to share your exchange treasures - both coming and going!
    This was my first swap this year, and I had such fun!

    Stephanie is a dear lady to be sure - what delights she brought us all, and such wonderful friendships being made, too!

  18. Hi Shane, Love your teacup you received from Mimi. What a gorgeous pattern and so romantic. You sent such a beautiful cup to Trisha too and I am sure she was overjoyed as well.
    What a lovely time had by all and I enjoyed this so much once again.
    Stephanie is such a dear to pull this all together. It truly is a blessing to all. Have a wonderful day and sending hugs your way.
    Blessings, cm

  19. Dearest Shane, I cannot tell you how emotional I have been for the last couple of days...I feel like a leaky tea pot spout :) As I began putting the photos on my post I was once again amazed at the generosity of others. And then yesterday when the party opened and I began reading the post of other bloggers, well...I lost it! I stand in awe of the love, kindness, and generosity of others and I can't even begin to say how much it blesses my heart. I am thankful for YOU and for every other lady that joined the exchange - it's because of all of you that this exchange can take place and be a success.

    Now onto those stunning tea cups! The one from Mimi is breathtaking, my friend. The softeness of the pink roses made me want to swoon :) And her handmade items are just the sweetest. And speaking of sweet, that is exactly what Mimi is. She is such a joy!

    And the tea cup you sent to Trisha is quite the beauty...I am in love with it {{smiles}} You pour your heart into your packages, my friend, and I know Trisha was indeed blessed.

    You are a precious friend, Shane, and I am grateful for you. Thanks for joining the fun. MUCH LOVE!

  20. What a gorgeous tea cup!!!!! I'm so happy you were able to participate in the exchange. I too enjoyed it immensely.
    Much love,

  21. Good morning, Shane. How lovely to see the teacups both received and given. They are both so very pretty. Primulette is delightful for spring! Your new teacup will grace your tea table with beauty. Have a wonderful day - is it getting warm for you yet? Our weather is cooling off, but still very pleasant.

  22. Such a lovely package of joy! The handmade collar is most unique! And your Clementine tea cup is gorgeous! What fun it was to be part of this amazing exchange thanks to Stephanie!! Have a blessed day:)

  23. What a beautiful selection of teacups you have Shane! I love the one your friend gave you. It's really special!

    Madelief x

  24. Dearest Shane,
    At least you did receive and mail out some gorgeous teacups! Love the selections made.
    Nowadays anything mailed is a big risk, it often looks like they toss things around as a game for breaking it up.
    Sending you hugs and wishing a happy weekend.

  25. What a gorgeous teacup! I love how the pretty pink roses look against the aqua background. Yellow is one my favourite colours so I'm also a huge fan of the teacup that you sent me Trisha. Also love that your packaged includes goodies unique to New Zealand! I try to send "Made in Canada" goodies to my swap partners too!

  26. Hello dear Shane, I`m back after having had my family visiting , missing them, but happy to return to yours, and other friends lovely blogs.
    The cup , collar and heart you was gifted, are so very beautiful all, gorgeous gifts to unpack, I`m sure.
    Also love the Royal Albert cup you send yourself, and all the tea goodies following it. What pretty nemas both cups, have.
    Hope your autumn is lovely.
    Dorthe, xxo

  27. I like the tea-cup your chose, Shane, and the one that you received as well. What a lovely exchange.

  28. Everything is so gorgeous! I want to take part next time if I can. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

  29. Oooh . . . lots of pretties here. I do especially love that teacup you picked out. This was a fun party, and I was glad to participate in it. Everyone was so generous, and it is so fun to meet bloggers from all over the world.
    I hope to catch up with some of your posts soon Shane. xo Deborah

  30. Oh I love your teacups! I love the pretty pink on blue, and yellow colors. They are gorgeous!

  31. Your teacups are lovely! All of them are gorgeous. What fun it was to be part of this amazing exchange. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Beautiful teacups! They made me think of my grandmother who had a large collection of them. I inherited two or three but often wonder what ever happened to the rest.

  33. Hello Dear Shane~~ I would say that I am quite late in visiting some of you in this beautiful exchange my dear Stephanie graces us with.
    I have not been around in the community due to being away looking after my mother. I'm still away but squeezing in some visits.
    Mimi certainly blessed you with a gorgeous tea cup and package. She is a dear.
    That yellow tea cup is quite stunning!
    There is such a love that the ladies pour out in these exchanges, I can't help but stand amazed at all the joy spread across the globe.

    Many blessings to you, Debbie



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