Sunday 9 November 2014

French Shutters and Flowers

There's something I love about
opening my shutters in the morning and letting the light in...

... the same goes for the evening
when closing the shutters is like saying goodnight
to the world!

Everywhere one goes in France there are shutters -
in small villages

and in big ones too like Paris.
Shutters are everywhere and the same goes for flowers.
Even the large apartment buildings always seem
to have window boxes beautifully planted
with seasonal plants.
Shutters are part of what we all love about
french architecture.

I'm joining Judith for Mosaic Monday
why don't you come and join us

Thank you for your visits

Take care and
be kind to one another

Merci à bientôt



  1. What to say... Your photos are simply gorgeous!!
    Have a lovely new week!
    Hugs from Sara

  2. Hi Shane, what great shutters. I've always loved shutters. Unfortunately here in the USA most of our shutters are just decorative and not able to be closed. It's just not the same. Have a great day!

  3. Oh yes I know these shutters! They are everywhere in France. I saw them in Spain as wel. Lovely. Groetjes from Holland, Hetty

  4. Shane I love all the shutters and beautiful flowers. I feel the same when I close my blinds at night and open them in the morning. Great photos. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  5. Yes, dear Shane, it is wonderful , the same goes for Italy, and I too love all the shutters!! It does something special to the houses, and certainly also all the flover boxes ! beautiful photoes, dear,- lets dream of South Europes wonderful cities !!
    Hugs from Dorthe

  6. Dearest Shane,
    Well we got indoor and outdoor shutters on our home. It is lovely for both opening and closing; a nice ritual and it gives grace to a home.
    Your photos are always very lovely, with so much sentiment...What your soul is thinking about, you capture through the lens!

  7. Beautiful collages Shane! Your photo's make me want to go to France :-)

    Have a lovely week!

    Madelief x

  8. There's something so charming about shutters and trailing flowers and vines. Lovely photos my friend. I see you are reading The Last Lion. I thought it was an excellent book. I need to read it again! Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. They allow us to shut out the light and noise of the world.

  10. Love this! I only have one shutter I open close morning and night … I do love the look; your photos are beautiful. Have a good week my friend!

  11. Gorgeous photos Shane, love the shutter and flowers as well, always looks like someone really loves their home.

  12. I love windows and shutters. Beautiful photos of these shuttered windows! We don't have them here in Canada so much. We use drapes and blinds instead for privacy and to keep out the cold. Thank you for your sweet comment on my recent loss. Blessings, Pam

  13. Your photos are pretty. I have shutters but not ones that close. I have to open and close blinds to see outside.

  14. Thank's for the lovely post and gorgeous photo, dear Shane.
    Have a wonderful start of the week.

  15. Good morning, my dear Shane! What a most beautiful way to start the day. Eye-walking through the wonderful villages in France... What marvellous images you show us here. I can feel your longing to be there...
    Hope you are fine and spent a nice and peaceful weekend.
    Now have a good week, dear.
    Hugs from Manu

  16. Shutters are one of my favorite things. Love your photos!

  17. They really are such a feature in France and other European countries aren't they. Not something that is often seen here in England though! xx

  18. An eye opener on the shutters as mine are on the inside of the windows. Whenever you see them on the outside of a house here it is only one panel on either side of the window for decorative purposes only.
    Flowers I like any time of year.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Shane.

  19. These photos "take me there." They are wonderful and I'd love to jump into each one!

  20. Wishing I was there to take in the flowers and see the old we have shutters for show but we don't use them. Pure bliss to see these photos.

  21. Be still my heart! I love architecture with shutters. These are all so beautiful.

  22. Shutters is one of the things I love photographing and seeing in France. They are so beautiful, as your photos indicate.

  23. How very charming, Shane! I love your photos of these sweet shutters! I want some! Hugs xo Karen

  24. French shutters are beautiful. It's different from places I've lived. I want to experience having one like in your photos.

    The vest part in the morning is indeed opening shutter or blinds or welcome a bright brand new day. Thst is so delightful.

    Flowers are lovely too.

  25. I know what you mean about the joy of opening the shutters in the morning (in my case, it's curtains). For me, it's always looking to see what birds might be perched in the pine tree outside the window.

  26. Beautiful images of French shutters and flowers, Shane. We have blinds, but I would love to have a home where you could fix shutters.
    I would do a makeover if I had the

  27. I'd love to have shutters but they are so rare on houses in England, and just kept mainly for country houses and cottages. Gorgeous photos!

  28. Ahh the beauty of French shutters. I love them especially when in a light blue tone on a cream coloured house. That's so much southern France to me, the home of my family. Beautiful photography dear Shane! xx hugs

  29. Hello Shane, you know I am glad I checked, I can not find myself on your google follow! I know I was there because I still get your posts sent over from the original days of blogger. Sigh! I just hate that they changed up so many things and Linky and I do not get along and blogovin follows thru my e mail. It is all o confusing. Why didn't they just leave it all alone? I love shutters.I wish I could afford them where we live these days. We had cool wood shutters inside our bedroom and we had a sneaky neighbor and those shutters were cool for checking up on him especially when his home was fire bombed twice in a 3 month period of time! We figured he made many enemies! But those shutters were so private when the kids were small too. I loved this post. Thanks for sharing.



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