Sunday 23 March 2014

Autumn morning sun casts soft shadows

Officially Autumn arrived here on the 1st March
however temperatures were still relatively
higher than usual, especially in the evenings
when only a sheet was needed while sleeping.

But as the month has progressed
we are all commenting that there is now
a certain freshness in the mornings
and a nip in the air in the evenings,
and a mohair blanket has been added to the bed.

Soft sunlight creeping into our living room
this morning made for much warmer tones
than the bright ones of Summer.

March, April and May are wonderful months
to holiday in New Zealand.
If we are on your 'travel bucket list'
I suggest you come at this time.
The South Island where the 
great Southern Alps mountain range is
can be a little cooler than in the north
during these months
but not freezing as it is in Winter!

I'm joining Karen for Sunlit Sunday
(sadly just one more after this
why don't you join us for the last two)
Mary for Mosaic Monday

It's Sunday already and I've had a relaxing weekend.
I even managed an hour in the garden
this morning, dead heading the roses
and cutting back the tired looking perennials.

I'm ready to face the new week ahead
and wish you all a happy week
doing whatever you enjoy doing most!

Meantime I will focus on my vision of a trip
to France later in the year
to play with my grandies again! 

 Take care and be kind to one another

   Merci à bientôt



  1. When you mentioned first day of Autumn I am thinking I must have clicked on the wrong place. Then it occurred to me - we don't all live in the place.:D Just coming out of a horrific Winter for this area, I am so looking forward to Spring, warmer temps, and flowers.
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  2. It's Saturday night in New York and we're just about entering spring.
    I love France, too, and am hoping for a trip in 2015. This summer is the British Isles, Iceland and Norway, though New Zealand has a fond place on my to-see list.

  3. Lovely mosaic... Interesting observations about the light and the coming of autumn. Do you have a favorite season in New Zealand? France?

  4. Dearest Shane,
    Oh how fast we reach the next season again. Adding a mohair blanket is a sure sign of cold creeping into the coming days.
    But stay cozy and warm and envision your trip to France!
    Hugs and happy Sunday.

  5. Soft pretty photos, and great news that there is an Autumn nip in the air. Could that mean it will come over to us soon?? Pretty Please?
    It's still Too Darn Hot in Qld. Wonderful you are off to France this year, and we are going to Italy :)
    Happy Times, Shane. xx

  6. I know you're ahead of us in the UK so glad you had a good weekend and got out into the garden to enjoy the last of the Summer roses. I trust you're refreshed and ready for the busy week ahead, but also hope you have opportunities to relax. It's a sunlit UK Sunday here, but with a Springtime nip in the air early mornings. Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a welcome comment. xx

  7. hello
    pour nous en France c'est le
    printemps qui arrive
    un beau rayon de soleil
    dans votre maison
    edith(iris) France

  8. I like that you bring some of the southern hemisphere to the Sunlit Sunday gathering, Shane. It's a wonderful reminder of the variety our world offers.

    I like that time of autumn when there is a bit of a nip in the air and the home needs to be cozy. Right now, for me, it's time to get ready for the days when I can put away the wool blanket and throw open the windows.

    I hope your autumn is a lovely one.


  9. Shane I've made a note of the best months - I still hope to come back down some day while still able! Know your autumn and winter must be lovely too though.

    Well here we're really having a marvelous Spring weekend - yesterday hit 79F, Fri. was almost as warm - and trees, shrubs etc. are really working furiously to bring color back to the dingy landscape. My magnolia (tulip poplar) burst forth yesterday, and the blossom trees are opening. No roses yet of course but I do see little green buds at the base of the hydrangeas, yeah! I planned to shop for pansies today BUT, guess what, another cold front on the way and snow possible on Tuesday! How can Mother Nature do this to us, just so cruel to our gardens sometimes.

    Sending hugs - the warmth of the soft mohair blanket sounds delightful. Stay snug - that's what I'm continuing to do for a few more weeks by sound of it!

    Love, Mary

  10. that light is so beautiful. autumn is one of my favorite times of the year -- enjoy yours!

  11. Dear Shane,
    yes ,here it is almost dinner time, and the pale sun is still on the we get close to april, it is almost 19 o`clock evening untill it gets dark.... and the temps. are better,even still not high.
    I am glad you had a lovely day fixing your garden,-I took a little hour out in mine,too to get rid of old winter dead branches and leaves.I still take care of my energy, and starts slowly.
    Your sun shadow pictures are so beautifyul, -you alwayes capture ,feelings and moods so well.
    Happy new week,

  12. Enjoy your autumn while we enjoy are spring. Love all the pictures and your commentary. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  13. Enjoy your autumn while we enjoy are spring. Love all the pictures and your commentary. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  14. I like the waning light of your mosaic photos. (in the fall) Makes one feel cozy. I'm still using flannelette sheets on the bed as some of our nights are very cold yet and I love to be cozy. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  15. We went to New Zealand at the end of February and March a couple of years ago and it was wonderful. Would love to go back.

  16. I see a message in your collage Shane. Sunlit books and a pillow could be beckoning to one.
    And so we each change out seasons, us back to the warmth and removing blankets while you begin to add them on to the bed.
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

  17. Here we are just entering spring- and you make me feel nostalgia for autumn!

  18. The changing sun light is always one of the things I notice most about the changing seasons. In the winter months my sun room is full of sunlight and during the summer the sun is directly over head and no direct sunbeams come in those windows....I guess that is the way it should be....warmth and light when it is needed most. Your photos capture the light perfectly!

  19. how lovely to see the sun in your home ... New Zealand has always been a place I would like to visit

  20. We're looking forward to autumn also, but can't hardly wait for Spring and Summer!

  21. The night when a blanket is pulled up around one's shoulders on top of a sheet is a wonderful beginning to autumn. Glad you've been able to get out and putter in your garden a little over the weekend. Keeping a focus on your next trip to France is a good motivation for work.
    Have a wonderful week, Shane. I wish you strength and joy.

  22. Your photos are beautiful. Hope it does cool down for you. Our weather is just going into spring!


  23. I love the first smell of Autumn in the air! It is my favorite time of the year. How neat you live in New Zealand. It would be a dream to visit your country! xo Jen

  24. Autumn is one of my favorite seasons because of the cooler temps and the beautiful colors we have here in the fall...but this year I am so looking forward to spring after the horrid winter we have had here! I was outside again with the dogs today (only 29 degrees and cold wind) but the sun was wonderful! Happy Autumn to you! and Happy Spring to us! ;)

  25. Beautiful images. Our chill is hopefully on the way out and you are looking forward to autumn. Hope you have a good week!

  26. Shane...what lovely, soft photos! Thinking of how amazing to share the seasons with each other through our blog friends. Stay warm and cozy as Autumn begins and we prepare for springtime joys! Smiles...Susan

  27. Beautiful images there Shane - with the dappled light showing through - I love them all. I am glad you have had a nice relaxing weekend - thinking of you often, Julie x0x

  28. Spring is slowly making it's way to us here in Texas! SO tired of being cold!
    Love the photos!

  29. Such pretty photos Shane! I always enjoy seeing your mosaic posts.

  30. Beautiful Autumn light.
    How I wish New Zealand was on the list for travel soon, but it is not.
    How wonderful to be planning a trip to France. We will be in Hawaii in June for a week and that is our travel for this year, as we are taking all 5 adults plus one little guy in the family.

  31. I love the way the sun creeps into your home, Shane. It looks so warm and inviting, and has that certain slant that Autumn sunlight has. Wishing you a lovely weekend, doing the things you enjoy.

  32. Hi Shane, your photos are just so lovely. You have such a talent and an artistic eye. xo

  33. Oh what a lovely visual treat you have blessed me with.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  34. Your mosaic is lovely in the shadows, and I enjoyed your St. Paddy's day post as well. So nice of you to visit my Lovin' Green post, enjoy your weekend!



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