Thursday 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving to my dear friends across the seas...

Rosa General Gallieni - France 1899

Wishing all my
American and Candian friends
a very
"Happy Thanksgiving"
enjoy your celebrations!!!

Take care of one another



  1. Dear Shane,
    and a very happy weekend to you, sweet friend.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  2. Have a nice day from

  3. Hi Shane! We Canadians celebrate our Thanksgiving in early October,but thanks for the good wishes!
    Jane x

  4. Hope you are having a lovely week. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  5. Thank you, Shane. Since we live in a more northerly clime than the Americans, we Canadians celebrate harvest and Thanksgiving in October instead of November. But it's good to be thankful at any time of the year.
    Hope your day is just wonderful!

  6. Dear Shane, Thank you so much for the kind wishes! The roses are gorgeous! Have a beautiful weekend! Love and hugs ,Paula

    PS~ Did you receive my email from a week or so ago? I used the email address on your blog. I hope you got it!

  7. Lovely roses Shane. And a happy weekend to you too. xx

  8. Thank you for the warm wishes. Have a wonderful day.

  9. Thank you Shane dear - it's sweet people like you who make us thankful for wonderful friends, even those whom we have yet to meet in person. I pray I can return to Auckland, and much more of beautiful NZ, some day soon - we will have lots to talk about!!!!!

    Sending hugs from sunny North Carolina - tomorrow we are off to the the coast for a couple of days.

    Mary X

  10. Deares Shane,
    Thanks for the special wishes. I'm late finding them as yeserday all I could manage was to have a lovely dinner with our best friends at their home. I collapsed with my severe back pain and stayed all day in the bed till 7:00 PM. Feels better now. Hope in a couple of days I can move again and catch up on so much work.

    PS LOVE your heirloom rose from France!

  11. Thank you. : )
    Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  12. Thank you Shane. I did dinner for five and was wiped out after two solid days of cleaning,prepping, cooking and then wrapping pkgs of leftovers for everyone to take. But it was well worth it and such a blessing to have my closest family members(except those in France of course) to celebrate and give thanks.

  13. Hello Dear Shane ~

    We are back from our travels and had such a nice week with our son in Colorado. The mountains there are magical.

    Thank you for your sweet Thanksgiving wishes AND for posting my little tree giveaway on your sidebar too :)

    I am most grateful that we are connected here in blogland!


  14. I had to stop by and thank you for all the beautiful comments you have left me. What a darling blog you have here. And you're all the way over in New Zealand? Oh my! So very far away. Now this is just what I adore about Blogdom as there is no distance between homes at all...we can visit with a mere few skips along the path. Have a lovely day!

  15. Perfect way to wish Thanks Giving.. It's always great to gift flowers online on Thanks giving..!



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