Just recently my sweet 'Garden Fairy'
friend Catherine of
friend Catherine of
passed on this award to me!!
Merci mon ami!!!!
Merci mon ami!!!!
In accepting this award, I agreed to share with you
10 things you may not already know about ME.....
♥1 I'm a day dreamer and that's probably
why I love this Debussy album...
♥2 I want to be a disciplined blogger,
and post more frequently as most of you do.
Any helpful tips gratefully received!
It’s all about organisation – I know!!!
Just tell me how!!!!

♥3 My family always come first -
which often effects (♥2)...♥4 I long to be fluent in the French language.
My daughter's ‘French in-laws’ don't speak english,
so our conversations are quite stilted...
each time we meet I hope they notice a
little improvement!!

♥5 I love and need music in my life– all sorts.
I adored the singing at Prince William
and Catherine's wedding....
When my family were out we played
“The Black Eyed Peas” over and over.
I have collections of Irish bands, to opera and
orchestral, plus of course
many french singers!

♥6 Of course I believe in fairies and angels -
where would we be without them....
♥7 I love roses - especially the big
old fashioned blowsey blooms like these
♥ 8 France is in my soul.....
I love the people,
the food, music and landscape
♥9 A long time before my daughter even thought of
travelling to France, I had a very vivid dream.
In that dream were two little girls
in pretty smocked dresses
and they spoke in french.......
I can't remember what their faces
looked like but obviously
they were my two little
granddaughters to be.....
♥10 I'm a romantic who loves
music, art and poetry, gardens, beautiful fabrics
especially chintz, rich damasks, linen, silk
and much, much more.....
Image from here
And now I’m passing this award on to these
10 wonderful blogging friends
who have all inspired me
in their own special way.
1 Carole – one of my first followers and also an NZ Blogger.
She teaches a great book making class.
Please visit her at http://kiwicarole.blogspot.com/
2 Barbara - a UK blogger I met in Carole's class.
She creates beautiful
pieces of art with her collection of exquisite laces,
fabrics and buttons.
She also makes amazing digital images to use in art.
Barbara you inspire me in so many ways - thank you!
3 Dianne - A talented Australian blogger
and exceptional photographer.
Thank you Dianne for taking me to France each
time I visit you!!
4 Doreen - also an Aussie! We also met
while doing Carole's book class.
Doreeen knows everything I need to know
about my new interest - embroidery - thank you Doreen!
5 Tammy - lives in Kuwait.
She is such a caring blogger - and always
leaves me such encouraging comments.
Thank you Tammy!
6 June - another English blogger.
She really puts me to shame with her daily post!!!
Amazing art and she is without doubt
our Photoshop Diva!!
7 Patty - the blogger I would love to emulate.
She always leaves a thoughtful comment as well as
responding to comments left on her blog.
Amazing artist and such a fun person -
thanks Patty.
8 Corinne - great art!!
Love visiting your blog and you
always leave such warm comments - thank you!
9 Ati – whom I also met in Carole's
on-line book class.
7 Patty - the blogger I would love to emulate.
She always leaves a thoughtful comment as well as
responding to comments left on her blog.
Amazing artist and such a fun person -
thanks Patty.
8 Corinne - great art!!
Love visiting your blog and you
always leave such warm comments - thank you!
9 Ati – whom I also met in Carole's
on-line book class.
She is so very clever and does
beautiful handwork!
10 Carolyn - another NZ blogger.
She writes such interesting and
varied posts often about her life
on beautiful Waiheke Island!
As well she makes the most beautiful
and I'm sure you will enjoy a
magical experience at her blog
as I always do!!!
Take care,
be kind to one another
love life
Shane x
Take care,
be kind to one another
love life
Shane x